Ask Jeff Walker(your welcome Arg)


Chief Ten Beers
Jun 25, 2004
In the Pabst Brewery
Hey Hammy, I came across this today and thought you would like it. :D It was lifted from Decibel Magazine.

[font=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Ask Jeff [/font]

On dreadlocks, country and '80s German goth, in no particular order

Could you speak about your forthcoming album of country covers? Are the imminent cuts to be mere, modernized renditions? Or will we hear tunes crushingly re-interpreted in a cadaverous way? — With Respect, Giragathon
The working title for it is Welcome To Carcass Cuntry—I wanted to record the most miserable, morose, whiskey-soaked, feeling-sorry-for-itself record ever. But somewhere along the line it went wrong and it’s turned out quite “rock’n’roll.” I guess I’m an arrogant little cunt who figured he could take Gram Parson’s vision of “Cosmic Music” and down tune it to dropped “B” and sneak a couple of blast beats in! So far musicians from HIM, Amorphis, Anathema, Napalm Death, Finntroll, To Separate the Flesh From the Bones, Ajattara, Shape of Despair, Verenpisara, and swell as Bill Steer, Billy Gould, a fifteen-piece “orchestra,” and my good self have contributed to it. It’s all covers of country/country rock/folk—the stuff really lends itself to a Sabbath approach, especially Hank Williams and Johnny Cash, which is pretty miserable and dark stuff anyhow. I guess if I described it as Sabbath meets the Pistols meets the Pogues meets E.L.O., I wouldn’t be far off the mark. The vocals are mixed bag ranging from the Jeff Walker style you all know and hate (i.e. a poor man’s Mille from Kreator) to an almost Shane McGowan/Tom Waite’s kinda “blues” thing going on, (translation: I sound like a drunken old fool attempting karaoke), even some (shock, horror) “singing.” So, basically it’s kid in a candy store scenario. I have free reign to include everything I’ve always wanted to, unfortunately this candy store only stocks sour “Jawbreakers.”

Is there a point to this column, aside from you bitching and moaning? — Kevin Page
Yes, to try and give your mugs a “work out”—you know it takes more muscles to frown and look unhappy? I figure I’m giving all you readers some facial exercise, that and free self-promotion (see above). And also the chance to prove I’m a bigger self-opinionated asshole than Dave Mustaine, even without the ginger hair and an aversion to Smack. I’m waging a dollar that that gets cut by the editor! [You owe me a dollar—Ed] I guess someone mistook my miserable misanthropic drunken ramblings for that oh so “wacky” bad dental health, warm beer, crappy food British Python-esque humor—boy, were they wrong.

I’ve seen several copies of Swansong on the internet that have a track called “Deathrider DA.” After a certain amount of time I heard it. It was pretty much “Rock the Vote” with vocals that resembled drummer Ken Owen’s. Did Carcass actually record this, if so, who did the vocals? — Phil
It was indeed a digital edit of “Rock the Vote.” It was done as a jingle for a Japanese Radio Show—translated it means “I am the Deathrider.” The vocals are, in fact, producer Colin Richardson putting in a sterling performance, almost up there with his illustrious career in Eyes In The Nightmare Jungle. Anyone recall “Shadowdance?” Well you would if you were a German ‘80 goth! (Adopting a sub Eldritch tone) “Shadow dance across the horizon” Some would say he is the missing link—not between anything, mind, just the missing link.

I remember your long dreadlocks back in the day-up until 1992. Then a year later, you emerged with straight long hair. How did you manage this without cutting off all of your hair? — Scott
They were cut off and, like when you prune a plant, these cuttings were then potted and cultivated. I have since made a vast fortune selling them to certain recording artists. You can either believe that or that I spent a week indoors with a bottle of conditioner and a comb. I have a bag in the attic (no lie) it can be heard moving around on a dark winter’s night (maybe it can feel eBay beckoning). Actually, well before Columbia suggested I go for singing lessons, around the time they released Heartwork, some bright spark at the label thought it would be a great idea if I had my dreadlocks reinstated—I’m not making this up! So that’s why Swansong sucked! Silly me. [dB]
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Is there a point to this column, aside from you bitching and moaning? — Kevin Page
Yes, to try and give your mugs a “work out”—you know it takes more muscles to frown and look unhappy? I figure I’m giving all you readers some facial exercise, that and free self-promotion (see above). And also the chance to prove I’m a bigger self-opinionated asshole than Dave Mustaine, even without the ginger hair and an aversion to Smack. I’m waging a dollar that that gets cut by the editor! [You owe me a dollar—Ed]
Not true.
MHFYRD! Thank you very much good sir! Jeff must be my soulmate... we´re both so bitter and sarcastic.

I´ve been waiting for this cover album for quite some time now and hopefull it will be out before the fall. Hope the gayfords in HIM were kind to Walker during the studio sessions.

*dreaming of visions of Jeff and Billy Gould creating fantastic music, I´m such a gayford*
Onslaught said:
strange questions and nonsense, but anyways I LOVE Carcass, from Reek of Putrefaction to Swansong, and the Blackstar (post Carcass, the lineup of Swansong with Mark Griffiths [ex Cathedral] on guitar reemplacing Bill Steer) album is VERY good. :headbang:

Nothing like playing "Sound of silence" to people who just won´t shut the fuck up when you don´t feel like talking! :headbang: