Ask Joonas

Is it true about the quantum physics that electrons can actually be controlled by human eye? When they know they're being watched. But they sort of have no location that can be determined, or smth. That's all theory based stuff tho, right?

I pretty sure thats not true although the electron is a "point particle" i.e it has no mass/volume (physical properties) and due to being both a wave and a particle can both defract and collide...
Is it true about the quantum physics that electrons can actually be controlled by human eye? When they know they're being watched. But they sort of have no location that can be determined, or smth. That's all theory based stuff tho, right?

I highly doubt it can be controlled by a human eye. You can determine its location but you won't be able to precisely determine its momentum and don't ask me to calculate it... it's still to complicated for me. I'm doing my Physics I and Integral calculus at the moment.
Yeah yeah I know I was a retarded teen and could've written I'm so FUCKING gay all over my pics, but c'mon man, I was going thru hard times and everyone's a kid sometime, I was just exceptionally fucked in the head. :Puke:

At least I'm okay now and not a fucking retarded homosapiens anymore like some of you still are.
Can you give us some examples of users that are retarded homosapiens please?
Just from the top of my head, 3 users who've trolled on this thread, You, CliffBurton, Bodomonkey... ;) It appears we have a different commune here (to an extent) than in the Children Of Bodom board, so I don't know what I'm doing here.
Are those users included in the 75% of the people here that are more gay than you, as you stated in the post you deleted/edited?