Asking for feedback (Death Metal)


Jan 8, 2014
Hi there,

I am doing this home-recording thing for 3 years now on an occasional basis.
And I'd like to develop a bit further, so I am asking for a little help.

Here's my current mix.

I know there's a lot of space for improvement, but
besides performance, what do you think are mixing-wise the 3 biggest issues I need to address in this mix and even in the next upcoming mixes?

I am only asking for the most obvious problems, in order to focus on these specific issues and not to get lost in various work sites which I cannot handle all at once.
Are there any techniques that I need to learn about urgently?

Thanks in advance!
IMO it's not very tightly played i.e. timing on the guitars seems sloppy in places.
Yea I already figured that my guitar tone is the least of my problems.
But you think it might have too much low-end or may be too midscooped?
In my opinion the guitars could be a bit closer to the listener or more "in your face" if you know what I mean. But I can't quite achieve that even when I try to.

Another point is that it sounds a too unnatural to me.
Guitars are miced but the drums are replaced.
Should I focus on more depth in my drums?

Sloppy playing actually is an issue, but I would like to concentrate on the mixing aspects here.

Check my stuff out and please feel free to critique
Hmmm....I don't think that I am in the position to critiques mixes of others, as I am still not at the level of most home recorders.