Aspect Ratio problem with Evergrey DVD?

MetalAges said:
Hello, hello, is this thing on? :) I am the webmaster for InsideOut USA and talked with the guys directly. I posted already that its been acknowledged from the label, read post above for update.
The sentiment from the buying public is the fault of none other than the industry itself. They ruined the relationship with the consumers, ripped us off for years at the supply and retail level, along with the artists, then expect the consumers to trust them.

So understand the end of the consumers. There is no message on the site acknowledging the defect. There has not been a direct message from Jim, saying "Be patient". In fact, we were even told that more news would come up in a week, and that was early June.

The lack of trust is founded because the companies as a whole made it so. The point is it doesn't take much to piss off a consumer, yet it takes just as little energy to make them happy.
sknight said:
Still no word or update.

You know, Ra's new CD "Duality had a glitch on one of the tracks..."Fallen Angel". Universal/Republic then released a remastered version without the glitch. All you had to do was to return the CD to the store you bought it from and they'd replace it with the remastered version.....if they had one in stock.

Something as simple as that would be nice!!!!!
The local record store from where I bought my copy has pulled their copies and returned them to their distributor. They're not going to stock the DVD at all. They too have not gotten responses to their emails, so the record store association in my area knows about the problem now will not stock the DVD, risking return and no reimbursement.
I'm waiting for the official word but to my knowledge there has been new DVDs pressed that corrects the issue. I am waiting to find out how to go about swapping your purchased discs.
Just let your local record store know of the issues and they will no longer order the dvd at the risk of having them returned. As I said, the dealers in my region have got the word and are not reordering it.

It sucks that the band put out a good product, but inside out tried to be cheap and pull a fast one on the buying public once again. Wonder why record company mistakes never work in the favor of the buying public. You know where you guys can get the dvd, if it's substandard, you might as well. Way to push more fans to download!

How about some pressure from metalages to get a statement, confirmed date, and corrected DVD's? This is obviously too long now, and we're even more skeptical than before.
MetalAges said:
I'm waiting for the official word but to my knowledge there has been new DVDs pressed that corrects the issue. I am waiting to find out how to go about swapping your purchased discs.

It looks like someone is blowing smoke up your a--! It's been way too long with no word whatsoever from the company. I can't speak for everyone, but I sure as hell feel like I'm being swept under the's been damn near two months and still no discs.
MetalAges said:
Nice solution sknight :rolleyes:

I talked with Jim at InsideOut today and they are aware of the problem and will issue a statement on what will be done to remedy it next week.

On a side note, any one familiar with InsideOut would know I have yet to see them release a defect CD where they didn't make good on it by replacement discs, etc.

I'll post the statement here next week
The dating on this was June 10th, I believe.
sknight said:
The dating on this was June 10th, I believe.

This has been one helluva long week!!!

I hate being sarcastic but damn.....if they're not going to replace them then I wish they would just say so. I hate being strung along.....since June 10th.....ridiculous.