Aspera Hiems Symphonia re-release


Oct 20, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
I think it's already in distribution, but for some reason it hasn't reached Finland yet. Now, tell me what is it like? I've heard it is double cd. Is that true? Does it contain the AHS album, My Angel EP and Constellation EP as supposed? Apart from them, anything else in it? Are they remastered? .....

I'm curious! ;) Damn I'm tired of waiting when it hits Finland's market and I want to know something about it. :p
It's a 2 disc set... features the whole Aspera Hiems Symfonia, Constellation and My Angel releases. Aspera has been remixed, but it doesn't really show. In addition to that, the second disc features 2 bonus tracks from the Aspera sessions, called "The Deep Is the Skies" and "Cosmojam". I suggest you buy it immediately.
Thanks for information Alfonso. I'd also like to know if the following tracks are included as well:
- Radiant Star Befallen
- Morax [Morax anno 1996 ev] (re-recorded version of Morax)

Both are from Constellation '96 re-release.
I got it today but haven't been able to listen to it yet, I hope it worths the money, although it wasn't that expensive for a 2-CD package (16 euros). But I needed the tracks of the Constellation ep and I couldn't find it anywhere else.