hey, we sell the whole lot , but if you need only some part of it let us know. take a look and BUY IT NOW . Let us know if you're interested. we give all possible guarantees of deal safety also we guarantee 2-3 express days delivery within EUROPE and parcel insurance. I must say we have really nice discount policy for companies/stores like ours. We can always settle down. As you might be interested we sell the whole lot for 8.000 EURO.
ALL LPS PICTURE DISCS AND 7 INCHES ARE IN MINT OR NEAR MINT CONDITION. if albums repeat in the list so it's multiple copies from a different owners.
ask for references if you need
contact us : ondskapens@hotmail.com
Arcturus -aspera hiems symfonia PD
Ancient rites - the diabolic serenades LP
Absu – in the eyes of joldanach MLP
Beherit - drawing down the moon LP
Beherit – Beast of beherit Gatefold Double LP
Borknagar – borknagar PD
Borknagar – the olden domain PD
Zyklon – world ov worms LP
Zyklon-B – blood must be shed PD
Zyklon-B – blood must be shed EP poster
Sabbat – envenom LP
Sabbat – Baltic harmageddon MLP
Immortal – damned in black PD
Celtic frost – into the pandemonium LP
Diabolos rising – blood vampirism… LP
Ved Buens Ende – Written in waters 2 LP purple vinyl
Black Sabbath – paranoid LP
Black Sabbath – paranoid/iron man EP
Black Sabbath – compilation LP (Russian press SNC records)
Black Sabbath – Live Evil Double LP
Nativity in Black – tribute to black Sabbath LP
Aura Noir – black thrash attack LP ltd to 500 copies
Judas Priest – Demolition Double LP
Judas Priest – Sin after sin LP
Judas priest – killing machine LP
Judas priest – painkiller LP
Judas priest – screaming for vengeance LP
Judas priest – stained class LP
Emperor – in the nightside eclipse PD
Metallica – S&M Triple LP set
Metallica – Garage inc. Triple LP set
Metallica – Masters of puppets PD
Metallica – Jump in the fire Shaped Picture EP
Metallica – enter sandman Picture EP
Mayhem – de mysteriis dom sathanas PD
Mayhem – wolf’s lair abyss MLP
Amorphis – tales from thousand lakes BLUE vinyl LP
Amorphis – tuonela PD
Burzum – Hlidskjalf LP
Immortal – blizzard beasts PD
In the woods – white rabbit EP
Bathory – destroyer of worlds PD
Dark Funeral – in the sign …LP
Bathory – the return PD
Bathory – hammerheart LP
Behemoth – thelema.6 LP
Bulldozer – fallen angel EP LP
Naglfar – Vittra LP
Destruction – sentence of death MLP
Die apokaliptische reiter – allegro barbaro LP
Morningstar – before dawn EP
Rok – Under a southern sky EP
mystifier "wicca" COMPLETE COVER VERSION/ PICTURE DISC brazilian press.
Venom – possessed RED VINYL LP original & very rare collectors piece
Venom – from hell to the unknown Double LP
Venom – black metal LP
Venom – at war with Satan LP
Exodus – Pleasures of the flesh LP
Exodus – bonded in blood LP
Napalm Death – Scum LP green version
Napalm Death – Scum LP red one
Napalm Death – Fear Emptiness despair LP
Rotting Christ – mystical meeting PD
At the gates – slaughter of the soul LP
Hypocrisy – penetralia BLUE vinyl LP
Hypocrisy – hypocrisy LP
Hypocrisy – abducted ORANGE vinyl LP
Hypocrisy – the final chapter YELLOW LP
Brighter death now – no salvation/no tomorrow EP
Led Zeppelin – compilation made by SNC records (Russia) LP
War – We Are War LP
Judas priest – metal works Double LP
Entombed – Left hand path LP
Exciter – Exciter LP
Exciter – Violence and Force LP
Fleurety - A Darker Shade of Evil EP
Ulver – nattens madrigal aatte hymne til ulven I manden LP
Usurper – Visions from the gods LP
Absurd – Thuringian pagan madness EP 7” in purple vinyl limited to 250 copies
Usurper – skeletal season LP
Slayer – reign in blood LP
Slayer – postmortem MLP
King diamond – fatal portrait LP
The Kovenant – in times before the light LP
Usurper – necronemesis LP
Angelcorpse – wolflust EP
Aeternus – shadows of old PD
Memorandum - Aux Morts LP
MZ.412 - Legion Ultra EP
Maschinenzimmer 412 - Malfeitor LP
Possessed – fallen angels EP
Possessed – seven churches LP
Old Man’s Child – pagan prosperity PD
Old Man’s Child – revelation 666 PD
Mortiis – fodt til a herske LP
I morket drommende 12”
Crypt of the wizard LP
Ferden 12”
The smell of rain LP
Blood & Thunder EP
Stjernefodt 12”
Green eyed demon LP
Fata Morgana - Space Race EP
Fata Morgana LP
Vond - Alene i Stillhet (Haavard - Vond) EP
Selvmord LP
The dark river Gatefold LP
Dodheimsgard – 666 international LP
Dodheimsgard – monumental possession LP
Treblinka – crawling in vomits LP
Iron Maiden – live after death DOUBLE LIVE LP
Iron maiden – holy smoke EP
Iron maiden – the evil that men do Shaped Picture EP
Varathron – His majesty at the swamp LP
Motorhead – Overkill LP (Russian SNC records press)
Varathron – one step beyond dreams EP
Gehenna – ancestors of the darkly sky EP
adimiron black LP
murder LP
Iron maiden – can I play with madness Shaped PD EP
Absu – third storm of Cythraul PD
Assassin – the upcoming terror LP
Atheist – elements LP
Cannibal Corpse – the bleeding PD
Cannibal Corpse – vile PD
King diamond – Satanic rites Blue Vinyl LP
Merciful fate – in the shadows LP
Sodom - Obsessed by Cruelty LP
Motorhead – on parole LP
Kreator – flag of hate MLP
Usurper - Diabolosis LP
Iron maiden – the clairvoyant EP
Iron maiden – holy smoke 2nd version 12” PD + bonus
Iron maiden – the angel and the gambler PD Live EP
Pungent stench – dirty rhymes and psychotronic beats YELLOW vinyl LP
Puissance – mother of disease LP
Penitent – melancholia PD
Die krupps – die krupps II: the final option LP
Die krupps – die krupps I
Mayhem - mediolanum capta est PD
Dodheimsgard – kronet til konge GATEFOLD LP
Proscriptor - The Venus Bellona LP
Ulver three picture discs of bergtatt kveldssanger and nattens madrigal
Ancient – god loves the dead LP
Carcass – heartwork LP
Sarcofago – rotting LP
Darkthrone – soulside journey PD
transilvanian hunger PD
under a funeral moon PD
panzerfaust LP
goatlord LP
Abhorer – upheaval of blasphemy EP
Sigh - scorn defeat LP
Voivod – Rrrroar LP
Carpathian forest – morbid fascination of death LP
through the chasm caves and titan woods MLP
Cradle of filth – Twisted nails of fate LP
Isengard – hostmorke LP
vinterskugge LP
Judas Iscariot – moonlight butchery LP
of great eternity LP
heaven in flames LP
Cannibal corpse – gallery of suicide PD
Mayhem 5 LPs BOX set
Burzum – filosofem 2LP
abruptum – evil 7”
obscuritatem in advoco amplectere me DSP LP
in umbra malitiae in ambulabo aeternum tenebrarum LP
absu the temples of offal 7”
barathrum: V.I.T.R.I.O.L LP
the sun of tipharet LP (blue vinyl limited to 300 copies)
the 3rd storm of cythraul LP
the 3rd storm of cythraul PD
absurd - thuringian pagan madness purple vinyl EP
Acheron - messe noir 7”
alla xul 7”
anti-god,anti-christ Lp
necromateion communion picture 7”
aeternus – and so the night became Gatefold LP
shadows of old PD
ascension of terror LP
autopsy - severed survival Lp (original cover)
severed survival Lp (re-released version)
severed survival picture (re-released cover)
retribution for the dead mlp
mental funeral LP
abscess – throbbing black werebeast 7”
aura noir – black thrash attack LP
deep tracts of hell LP
increased damnation LP
alastis – the just law LP
arcturus -aspera hiems symfonia picture LP
aspera hiems symphonia + constellation + my angel Double LP
asphyx – mutilating process EP
asphyx LP
the rack Gatefold LP
last one on earth LP
amen coroner – fall ascension domination LP
ancient rites – evil prevails 7”
split 7” with Uncanny
split 7”with Renaissance
split 7”with Thou art lord
split picture 7” with Enthroned
the diabolic serenades LP
angel corpse – hammer of gods lp
wolflust 7” (signed by the whole band)
nuclear hell live -7”
exterminate LP
the inexorable LP
atrocity – hallucinations Promo LP
archgoat – Angelcunt (tales of desecration) MLP
at war – ordered to kill LP
limited edition EP ‘88
retaliatory strike LP
bathory – BATHORY black mark pressing
bathory lp (under one flag)
bathory gold picture disc
bathory white picture disc
the return LP
under the sign…LP
under the sign of …picture lp
blood fire death LP
behemoth – the return of the northern moon LP
sventevith Lp
blasphemy – fallen angel of doom RED vinyl LP
gods of war LP
beherit – the oath of black blood LP
picture 7”
split 7” with Deathyell
messe des morts 7”
drawing down the moon LP
split with impaled Nazarene live lp
beast of beherit /complete worxxx Gatefold LP (sealed)
bestial summoning – the dark war has begun LP
live 7”
bewitched – diabolical desecration LP
pentagram prayer LP (signed)
bolt thrower – in battle there’s no law LP
realms of chaos LP
warmaster LP
cenotaph EP
borknagar – debut LP
bulldozer – fallen angel 7”
the day of wrath LP
the final separation LP
Neurodeliri LP
alive in Poland LIVE LP
Bundeswehra – split with NERGAL
burzum – burzum LP (DSP) original first press version
burzum DSP re-issue with VOW logo on it
aske MLP (DSP) + original ZIPPO
burzum / aske gatefold LP misanthropy/cymophane
hvis lyset tar oss LP white marble vinyl misanthropy 001/cymophane 002
det som engang var LP with poster
et hvitt lys over skogen white vinyl EP
filosofem GATEFOLD 2LP black/blue vinyl’s (etch)
filosofem Picture Disc
daudi baldrs picture disc
daudi baldrs LP
hlidskjalf LP gold vinyl
6 PICTURE DISC BOX (all albums on Picture discs)
beyond metal zone (Yugoslavian comp. with Agent steel,exodus,onslaught,possessed)
blood feast – kill for pleasure Lp
face fate MLP
face fate Picture MLP
corpus rottus – rituals of silence LP
carnage –dark recollection LP
carcass – necroticism LP
celtic frost – morbid tales MLP (first press with lyric sheet)
morbid tales MLP (second press with orange cover)
morbid tales MLP (banzai records + bonustrack)
emperor’s return MLP
to mega therion LP
tragic serenades MLP
tragic serenades picture mlp
a night in the dark LIVE LP
live Switzerland, st. Gallen ’85,may 17th bootleg lp
bootleg 7”
comecon –megatrends in brutality LP
coroner – R.I.P. LP
carpathian forest – Carpathian forest Picture 7”
through the chasm caves and titan woods mlp
black shining leather picture disc
in these trees are my gallows 7”
cradle of filth – principal of evil made flesh LP
Vempire red vinyl
dark angel – darkness descends
Darkthrone soulside journey LP first press
soulside journey picture disc
a blaze in the northern sky LP first press
under a funeral moon LP first press
transylvanian hunger LP first press
panzerfaust LP first press
total death gatefold LP
goatlord LP last year press
ravishing grimness LP first press version
ravishing grimness PD second press version
under a funeral moon PD first press
transylvanian hunger PD
a blaze in the northern sky PD first press
plaquewielder LP
plaquewielder PD
crossing the triangle of flames EP
demo LP (thulcandra, cromlech, land of frost and rehearsal tracks)
ravishing grimness BLUE vinyl
death metal LP compilation featuring hellhammer etc. (re-release with censored cover)
deathrage - selfconditioned LP
deathrow – riders of doom LP (signed)
destruction – sentence of death MLP
sentence …MLP (banzai pressing)
infernal overkill LP
eternal devastation LP
destructor – maximum destruction LP
doomsday news II live comp.with tankard kreator sabbat coroner
demoniac – storm blade picture lp
deicide – deicide LP
legion LP
delirium – zzoouuhh LP
destroyer 666 – violence is the prince of this world LP
unchain the wolves LP
cold steel for an iron age LP
phoenix rising LP
of wolves women and war EP White Vinyl
of wolves women and war EP Black Vinyl
king of kings / lord of the wild EP
deceased – luck of the corpse LP
desaster – a touch of medieval darkness LP
stormbringer picture lp
split 7” with Ungod
ride on for revenge picture 7”
desaster/pentacle split EP rare and limited
hellsfire's dominion LP
ten years of total desaster LP
demonic – split bootleg lp with funeral wimps
dodheimsgard – kronet til konge LP
monumental possession LP
666 international LP
death – scream bloody gore LP
leprosy Lp
spiritual healing LP
della morte – uglier and more disgusting LP
dismember – like an ever flowing stream LP
pieces MLP
massive killing capacity LP
death metal LP
dissection – storm of the lights bane LP
night’s blood live in oslo 4th of may ‘94
storm of the lights bane BLUE vinyl LP
the past is alive PD
dimmu borgir – for all tid LP
inn I evighetens Morke EP necromantic gallery productions
devils path EP
enthrone darkness triumphant LP
enthrone darkness triumphant PD
puritanical euphoric misanthropia Gatefold double LP
world misanthropy LP multi colored vinyl
ethereal – dominion 10” MLP
elysian fields – adelain LP
empyrium – a wintersunset LP
emperor – debut MLP
wrath of the tyrant LP mlimited to 666 copies + POSTER
wrath of the tyrant picture lp (ltd to 525 copies Damnation records release)
reverence 7”
reverence 12”
anthems to the welkin… LP
as the shadows rise EP including sticker
in the nightside eclipse PD
emperial live ceremony PD
IX equilibrium PD
Prometheus – the discipline of fire and demise PD
entombed – lefthand path LP
clandestine LP
wolverine blues
to ride shoot straight and speak …2 –LP
enslaved – hordanes land MLP
split with satyricon LP
frost LP
Eld 2LP
Evil –Evil message MLP
exciter – heavy metal maniac Lp
exodus – bonded by blood LP (original torrid records pressing)
and then there were… limited to 300 bootleg LP
exorcist – nightmare theatre LP (CULT!)
exulceration – split with Putrid offal LP
exumer – possessed by fire LP
forgotten woods – as the wolves gather LP (limited to 300)
the curse of mankind Lp
funebre – children of the scorn LP
gehenna – first spell mlp (limited to 666 copies I got number 3 Damnation records)
first spell MLP (misprint on the cover)
2nd spell (black vinyl)
2nd spell (red vinyl)
gehennah – hardrocker LP
king of the sidewalk LP
decibel rebel LP
no fucking Christmas 7” (gold vinyl)
no fucking Christmas MLP
Grotesque – incantation MLP
gluecifer – riding the tiger LP
leather chair 7”
goatlord – reflections.. LP
gorgoroth – pentagram LP
antichrist LP
destroyer PD
destroyer LP
Antichrist PD
Pentagram PD
Under the sign of hell LP
Incipit satan LP
grave – in to the grave LP
godflesh –streetcleaner LP
grave digger- heavy metal breakdown LP
hellhammer – apocalyptic raids MLP (original press + text)
apocalyptic raids MLP(2nd press PINK LOGO)
apocalyptic raids MLP( US pressing)
apocalyptic raids MLP (brazilian pressing + bonustracks)
apocalypric raids PICTURE LP
crucifixion LP
satanic rites LP (splatter/vomit vinyl bootleg LP)
bootleg 7” limited to 333 copies
triumph of death LP
holocausto –campo de extermino LP
negatives LP
Havohey – black perversion MLP (total shit)
unholy darkness and impurity 7” (re-release, different cover as original)
Hobbs angel of death- same title LP
the hellacopters – supershitty to the max LP
split 10” with gluecifer (green vinyl)
split 10” with Gluecifer (orange vinyl)
soulseller 7” (colored vinyl)
paying the dues LP
soulseller 7” (black vinyl)
inferno – utter hell LP
downtown hades LP (contains 2 live bonustracks)
incubus – serpent temptation LP
beyond the unknown Lp
incubus (second band from usa) – 7”
immortal – diabolical fullmoon mysticism LP
diabolical fullmoon mysticism picture Disc
pure holocaust Picture disc
pure holocaust LP
battles in the north Picture disc
blizzard beasts Picture disc
at the heart of winter Gatefold LP
at the heart of winter Picture disc
damned in black LP
damned in black picture disc
sons of northern darkness LP
sons of northern darkness picture disc
impaled Nazarene – tol cormpt norz…LP
ugra karma LP
goat perversion 7”
taog eht fo htao 7” (demo on 7”
satanic masowhore 7”
soumi finland perkele White vinyl LP
latex cult gatefold LP
motorpenis SINGLE CD
split with Driller Killer White vinyl EP
infernal majesty – none shall defy LP
impetigo – ultimo mondo cannibale LP
split 7” with Blood
Buio Omega 7”
faceless 7”
katatonia – for funerals to come picture disc
split 10” with Primordial
kreator- endless pain LP
pleasure to kill LP
flag of hate MLP
flag of hate (us pressing + bonustracks)
behind the mirror picture disc
extreme aggression LP
terrible certainty LP
coma of souls LP
Kawir – to kavir’s MLP
split 7” with Sigh
loucyfer- worship flesh LP
limbonic art – moon in the scorpio 2-LP (damnation records)
megadeath- killing is my business LP
metal inferno compilation lp including Venom
necrophagia – ready for death LP
season of the death Lp
holocausto de la morte LP
holocausto de la morte PD
black blood vomitorium Picture MLP
a legacy of horror, gore and sickness Gatefold 2 LP
nifelheim – s/t lp + poster
devil’s force LP
unholy death EP
necrophile split with Abhorer LP
necronomicon – apocalyptic nightmare Lp
NME – unholy death LP
obituary – slowly we rot LP
cause of death LP
OLD- old lady drivers LP
order from chaos – plateau of invincibility 10” mlp
stillbirth machineLP
webs and perdition 7”
Jericho trumpet 7”
live into distant fears live 7”
onslaught – power of hell LP
sabbat - sabbatical demoslaught red vinyl 7” #200 copies
sabbatical demoslaught black vinyl 7” # 500 copies
sabbatical magicurse/baltic harmageddon 7” #300 copies
sabbat/gorgon split EP
sabbat /unholy grave split EP
envenom LP
envenom PD
evoke PD
Samael – worship him LP
blood ritual LP
ceremony of opposites LP
ceremony of opposites PD
passage LP
eternal LP
Satyricon – dark medieval times LP
The shadowthrone gatefold LP comes with poster
Nemesis divina gatefold LP
rebel extravaganza + intermezzo II SET (rare)
3 PICTURE DISCS BOX (dark medieval times/shadowthrone /nemesis divina)
Storm nordavind LP
Ulver - trilogie 3 PICTURE DISC BOX SET (bergtatt / kveldssanger / nattens madrigal)
P.U.S. – s/t LP
Pestilence – maleus maleficarum LP
consuming impulse LP
poison – into the abyss Lp
possessed – 7 churches LP
7 churches picture LP
live in San Francisco ’84 bootleg LP
protector – misanthropy MLP
golem LP
turn the mud LP
pungent stench – for god your soul for me your flesh LP
split 7” with benediction
extreme deformity 7”
been caught buttering Lp
dirty rhymes and psychotronic blastbeats MLP
club mondo bizarre LP
praise the names of the musical assassins 2 LP
pyogenesis – ignis creation LP
rotting christ – split with Monumentum EP
passage to arcturo MLP
thy mighty contract PD
satanas tedeum PD
non serviam PD
triarchy of the lost lovers LP
the mystical meeting PD
split with Monumentum PD
morbid angel – abomination of desolation LP (Japanese bootleg)
abomination LP(earache version)
blasphemy Live bootleg LP
altars of madness LP
altars of madness (LIMITED EDITION splattervinyl)
blessed are the sick LP
split 7” with slaughterlord
sickness over Europe live LP
European madness ’89 live LP
crush Jesus Christ tour ’91 live LP
morgoth – the eternal fall mlp
cursed LP
mortuary drape – into the drape MLP
all the witches dance LP
mystifier – wicca LP
master – master LP
merciless – the awakening LP (deathlike silence productions #001)
demo1 7”
demo2 7”
the treasures within LP
monstrosity – imperial doom LP
master’s hammer- ritual LP (official cze- version )
ritual LP (osmose version,clear vinyl limited to 300)
the jilemnice occultist LP
klavierstuck 7”
murder rape –celebration of supreme evil LP
mortem – demon tales LP
necrosanct – equal in death LP
necromatia – split LP with varathron “the everlasting sins” LP
crossing the fiery path LP
scarlet evil witching black LP
from the past we summon thee 7” (original version with sculptured cover)
ancient pride
macabre – grim reality MLP
shitlist 7”
gloom 7”
mayhem – deathcrush POSERCORPSE LP
deathcrush MLP (DSP version – red cover)
deathcrush picture Disc GMR music group
deathcrush LP (bootleg on red vinyl)
split LP with Morbid (original version)
split LP with morbid (shitty version)
split Picture disc with morbid
wolf’s lair abyss MLP
wolf’s lair abyss MLP Picture disc
de mysteriis dom sathanas LP
de mysteriis dom sathanas picture disc
live in Leipzig Lp (original version,with 2 lyrics and letter of Dead)
live in Leipzig picture LP
out from the dark GOLD PICTURE DISC
out from the dark Red picture disc
I love Transylvania EP
freezing moon / carnage picture mlp
pure fucking Armageddon Lp first version limited to 333 copies
pure fucking Armageddon LP with the same cover as CD version
pure fucking Armageddon Picture disc
dawn of the black hearts LP
dawn of the black hearts picture disc
the return live LP limited to 1000 copies
split with zyklon-b picture EP
ha elm zalag red vinyl LP
split LP with Emperor (new commercial release)
Marduk – La grande danse macabre PD
world funeral PD
lucifer EP
hearse EP
slay the Nazarene EP
heaven shall burn when we are gathered PD
Panzer division marduk PD
live in germania 2 LP
dark endless picture disc
opus nocturne LP (green vinyl # 300 copies)
heaven shall burn LP
heaven shall burn picture disc
glorification MLP (+ bonus)
fuck me jesus EP first press
blackcrowned vol.1 PD
blackcrowned vol.2 PD
massacre – the final holocaust promo LP
the final … LP
enjoy the violence LP
Masacre- requima LP
split with Profanatica
miasma – changes LP
monumentum – in abscentia…Lp
mutilator –into the strange LP
morbid – December moon MLP (red vinyl)
December moon MLP (black vinyl)
rehearsal LP #100 copies
messiah – hymn to abramelin LP (first pressing black cover,signed)
hymn to… LP (red cover 2nd pressing)
extreme cold weather LP
metallica –whiplash MLP
jump in the fire MLP
creeping death MLP
kill’em all LP
master of puppets LP
ride the lighting LP
interview with James Hetfield picture shape LP limited to 200 copies
mortal sin –mayhemic destruction LP
moonfog sampler – crusade from the north 2 LP
motorhead – motorhead LP
no sleep til hammersmith live lp
blitzkrieg on Birmingham ’77 live lp
snake bit love lp
iron fist LP
overkill Lp
another perfect day Lp
rock’n roll lp
orgasmatron Lp
bomber Lp
ace of spades LP
no sleep at all LIVE LP
live EP lochem pop
on parole LP
recorded live bootleg LP
beer drinkers LP
4 track ’77 EP
the one to sing the blues EP
Mysticum – in the streams of inferno LP
Mystifier – Tormenting the holy trinity (since 1989) LP
Wicca PD
Varathron/Necromantia – the everlasting sins LP cult
His majesty at the swamp LP cyber music
His majesty at the swamp PD pagan records
ALL LPS PICTURE DISCS AND 7 INCHES ARE IN MINT OR NEAR MINT CONDITION. if albums repeat in the list so it's multiple copies from a different owners.
ask for references if you need
contact us : ondskapens@hotmail.com
Arcturus -aspera hiems symfonia PD
Ancient rites - the diabolic serenades LP
Absu – in the eyes of joldanach MLP
Beherit - drawing down the moon LP
Beherit – Beast of beherit Gatefold Double LP
Borknagar – borknagar PD
Borknagar – the olden domain PD
Zyklon – world ov worms LP
Zyklon-B – blood must be shed PD
Zyklon-B – blood must be shed EP poster
Sabbat – envenom LP
Sabbat – Baltic harmageddon MLP
Immortal – damned in black PD
Celtic frost – into the pandemonium LP
Diabolos rising – blood vampirism… LP
Ved Buens Ende – Written in waters 2 LP purple vinyl
Black Sabbath – paranoid LP
Black Sabbath – paranoid/iron man EP
Black Sabbath – compilation LP (Russian press SNC records)
Black Sabbath – Live Evil Double LP
Nativity in Black – tribute to black Sabbath LP
Aura Noir – black thrash attack LP ltd to 500 copies
Judas Priest – Demolition Double LP
Judas Priest – Sin after sin LP
Judas priest – killing machine LP
Judas priest – painkiller LP
Judas priest – screaming for vengeance LP
Judas priest – stained class LP
Emperor – in the nightside eclipse PD
Metallica – S&M Triple LP set
Metallica – Garage inc. Triple LP set
Metallica – Masters of puppets PD
Metallica – Jump in the fire Shaped Picture EP
Metallica – enter sandman Picture EP
Mayhem – de mysteriis dom sathanas PD
Mayhem – wolf’s lair abyss MLP
Amorphis – tales from thousand lakes BLUE vinyl LP
Amorphis – tuonela PD
Burzum – Hlidskjalf LP
Immortal – blizzard beasts PD
In the woods – white rabbit EP
Bathory – destroyer of worlds PD
Dark Funeral – in the sign …LP
Bathory – the return PD
Bathory – hammerheart LP
Behemoth – thelema.6 LP
Bulldozer – fallen angel EP LP
Naglfar – Vittra LP
Destruction – sentence of death MLP
Die apokaliptische reiter – allegro barbaro LP
Morningstar – before dawn EP
Rok – Under a southern sky EP
mystifier "wicca" COMPLETE COVER VERSION/ PICTURE DISC brazilian press.
Venom – possessed RED VINYL LP original & very rare collectors piece
Venom – from hell to the unknown Double LP
Venom – black metal LP
Venom – at war with Satan LP
Exodus – Pleasures of the flesh LP
Exodus – bonded in blood LP
Napalm Death – Scum LP green version
Napalm Death – Scum LP red one
Napalm Death – Fear Emptiness despair LP
Rotting Christ – mystical meeting PD
At the gates – slaughter of the soul LP
Hypocrisy – penetralia BLUE vinyl LP
Hypocrisy – hypocrisy LP
Hypocrisy – abducted ORANGE vinyl LP
Hypocrisy – the final chapter YELLOW LP
Brighter death now – no salvation/no tomorrow EP
Led Zeppelin – compilation made by SNC records (Russia) LP
War – We Are War LP
Judas priest – metal works Double LP
Entombed – Left hand path LP
Exciter – Exciter LP
Exciter – Violence and Force LP
Fleurety - A Darker Shade of Evil EP
Ulver – nattens madrigal aatte hymne til ulven I manden LP
Usurper – Visions from the gods LP
Absurd – Thuringian pagan madness EP 7” in purple vinyl limited to 250 copies
Usurper – skeletal season LP
Slayer – reign in blood LP
Slayer – postmortem MLP
King diamond – fatal portrait LP
The Kovenant – in times before the light LP
Usurper – necronemesis LP
Angelcorpse – wolflust EP
Aeternus – shadows of old PD
Memorandum - Aux Morts LP
MZ.412 - Legion Ultra EP
Maschinenzimmer 412 - Malfeitor LP
Possessed – fallen angels EP
Possessed – seven churches LP
Old Man’s Child – pagan prosperity PD
Old Man’s Child – revelation 666 PD
Mortiis – fodt til a herske LP
I morket drommende 12”
Crypt of the wizard LP
Ferden 12”
The smell of rain LP
Blood & Thunder EP
Stjernefodt 12”
Green eyed demon LP
Fata Morgana - Space Race EP
Fata Morgana LP
Vond - Alene i Stillhet (Haavard - Vond) EP
Selvmord LP
The dark river Gatefold LP
Dodheimsgard – 666 international LP
Dodheimsgard – monumental possession LP
Treblinka – crawling in vomits LP
Iron Maiden – live after death DOUBLE LIVE LP
Iron maiden – holy smoke EP
Iron maiden – the evil that men do Shaped Picture EP
Varathron – His majesty at the swamp LP
Motorhead – Overkill LP (Russian SNC records press)
Varathron – one step beyond dreams EP
Gehenna – ancestors of the darkly sky EP
adimiron black LP
murder LP
Iron maiden – can I play with madness Shaped PD EP
Absu – third storm of Cythraul PD
Assassin – the upcoming terror LP
Atheist – elements LP
Cannibal Corpse – the bleeding PD
Cannibal Corpse – vile PD
King diamond – Satanic rites Blue Vinyl LP
Merciful fate – in the shadows LP
Sodom - Obsessed by Cruelty LP
Motorhead – on parole LP
Kreator – flag of hate MLP
Usurper - Diabolosis LP
Iron maiden – the clairvoyant EP
Iron maiden – holy smoke 2nd version 12” PD + bonus
Iron maiden – the angel and the gambler PD Live EP
Pungent stench – dirty rhymes and psychotronic beats YELLOW vinyl LP
Puissance – mother of disease LP
Penitent – melancholia PD
Die krupps – die krupps II: the final option LP
Die krupps – die krupps I
Mayhem - mediolanum capta est PD
Dodheimsgard – kronet til konge GATEFOLD LP
Proscriptor - The Venus Bellona LP
Ulver three picture discs of bergtatt kveldssanger and nattens madrigal
Ancient – god loves the dead LP
Carcass – heartwork LP
Sarcofago – rotting LP
Darkthrone – soulside journey PD
transilvanian hunger PD
under a funeral moon PD
panzerfaust LP
goatlord LP
Abhorer – upheaval of blasphemy EP
Sigh - scorn defeat LP
Voivod – Rrrroar LP
Carpathian forest – morbid fascination of death LP
through the chasm caves and titan woods MLP
Cradle of filth – Twisted nails of fate LP
Isengard – hostmorke LP
vinterskugge LP
Judas Iscariot – moonlight butchery LP
of great eternity LP
heaven in flames LP
Cannibal corpse – gallery of suicide PD
Mayhem 5 LPs BOX set
Burzum – filosofem 2LP
abruptum – evil 7”
obscuritatem in advoco amplectere me DSP LP
in umbra malitiae in ambulabo aeternum tenebrarum LP
absu the temples of offal 7”
barathrum: V.I.T.R.I.O.L LP
the sun of tipharet LP (blue vinyl limited to 300 copies)
the 3rd storm of cythraul LP
the 3rd storm of cythraul PD
absurd - thuringian pagan madness purple vinyl EP
Acheron - messe noir 7”
alla xul 7”
anti-god,anti-christ Lp
necromateion communion picture 7”
aeternus – and so the night became Gatefold LP
shadows of old PD
ascension of terror LP
autopsy - severed survival Lp (original cover)
severed survival Lp (re-released version)
severed survival picture (re-released cover)
retribution for the dead mlp
mental funeral LP
abscess – throbbing black werebeast 7”
aura noir – black thrash attack LP
deep tracts of hell LP
increased damnation LP
alastis – the just law LP
arcturus -aspera hiems symfonia picture LP
aspera hiems symphonia + constellation + my angel Double LP
asphyx – mutilating process EP
asphyx LP
the rack Gatefold LP
last one on earth LP
amen coroner – fall ascension domination LP
ancient rites – evil prevails 7”
split 7” with Uncanny
split 7”with Renaissance
split 7”with Thou art lord
split picture 7” with Enthroned
the diabolic serenades LP
angel corpse – hammer of gods lp
wolflust 7” (signed by the whole band)
nuclear hell live -7”
exterminate LP
the inexorable LP
atrocity – hallucinations Promo LP
archgoat – Angelcunt (tales of desecration) MLP
at war – ordered to kill LP
limited edition EP ‘88
retaliatory strike LP
bathory – BATHORY black mark pressing
bathory lp (under one flag)
bathory gold picture disc
bathory white picture disc
the return LP
under the sign…LP
under the sign of …picture lp
blood fire death LP
behemoth – the return of the northern moon LP
sventevith Lp
blasphemy – fallen angel of doom RED vinyl LP
gods of war LP
beherit – the oath of black blood LP
picture 7”
split 7” with Deathyell
messe des morts 7”
drawing down the moon LP
split with impaled Nazarene live lp
beast of beherit /complete worxxx Gatefold LP (sealed)
bestial summoning – the dark war has begun LP
live 7”
bewitched – diabolical desecration LP
pentagram prayer LP (signed)
bolt thrower – in battle there’s no law LP
realms of chaos LP
warmaster LP
cenotaph EP
borknagar – debut LP
bulldozer – fallen angel 7”
the day of wrath LP
the final separation LP
Neurodeliri LP
alive in Poland LIVE LP
Bundeswehra – split with NERGAL
burzum – burzum LP (DSP) original first press version
burzum DSP re-issue with VOW logo on it
aske MLP (DSP) + original ZIPPO
burzum / aske gatefold LP misanthropy/cymophane
hvis lyset tar oss LP white marble vinyl misanthropy 001/cymophane 002
det som engang var LP with poster
et hvitt lys over skogen white vinyl EP
filosofem GATEFOLD 2LP black/blue vinyl’s (etch)
filosofem Picture Disc
daudi baldrs picture disc
daudi baldrs LP
hlidskjalf LP gold vinyl
6 PICTURE DISC BOX (all albums on Picture discs)
beyond metal zone (Yugoslavian comp. with Agent steel,exodus,onslaught,possessed)
blood feast – kill for pleasure Lp
face fate MLP
face fate Picture MLP
corpus rottus – rituals of silence LP
carnage –dark recollection LP
carcass – necroticism LP
celtic frost – morbid tales MLP (first press with lyric sheet)
morbid tales MLP (second press with orange cover)
morbid tales MLP (banzai records + bonustrack)
emperor’s return MLP
to mega therion LP
tragic serenades MLP
tragic serenades picture mlp
a night in the dark LIVE LP
live Switzerland, st. Gallen ’85,may 17th bootleg lp
bootleg 7”
comecon –megatrends in brutality LP
coroner – R.I.P. LP
carpathian forest – Carpathian forest Picture 7”
through the chasm caves and titan woods mlp
black shining leather picture disc
in these trees are my gallows 7”
cradle of filth – principal of evil made flesh LP
Vempire red vinyl
dark angel – darkness descends
Darkthrone soulside journey LP first press
soulside journey picture disc
a blaze in the northern sky LP first press
under a funeral moon LP first press
transylvanian hunger LP first press
panzerfaust LP first press
total death gatefold LP
goatlord LP last year press
ravishing grimness LP first press version
ravishing grimness PD second press version
under a funeral moon PD first press
transylvanian hunger PD
a blaze in the northern sky PD first press
plaquewielder LP
plaquewielder PD
crossing the triangle of flames EP
demo LP (thulcandra, cromlech, land of frost and rehearsal tracks)
ravishing grimness BLUE vinyl
death metal LP compilation featuring hellhammer etc. (re-release with censored cover)
deathrage - selfconditioned LP
deathrow – riders of doom LP (signed)
destruction – sentence of death MLP
sentence …MLP (banzai pressing)
infernal overkill LP
eternal devastation LP
destructor – maximum destruction LP
doomsday news II live comp.with tankard kreator sabbat coroner
demoniac – storm blade picture lp
deicide – deicide LP
legion LP
delirium – zzoouuhh LP
destroyer 666 – violence is the prince of this world LP
unchain the wolves LP
cold steel for an iron age LP
phoenix rising LP
of wolves women and war EP White Vinyl
of wolves women and war EP Black Vinyl
king of kings / lord of the wild EP
deceased – luck of the corpse LP
desaster – a touch of medieval darkness LP
stormbringer picture lp
split 7” with Ungod
ride on for revenge picture 7”
desaster/pentacle split EP rare and limited
hellsfire's dominion LP
ten years of total desaster LP
demonic – split bootleg lp with funeral wimps
dodheimsgard – kronet til konge LP
monumental possession LP
666 international LP
death – scream bloody gore LP
leprosy Lp
spiritual healing LP
della morte – uglier and more disgusting LP
dismember – like an ever flowing stream LP
pieces MLP
massive killing capacity LP
death metal LP
dissection – storm of the lights bane LP
night’s blood live in oslo 4th of may ‘94
storm of the lights bane BLUE vinyl LP
the past is alive PD
dimmu borgir – for all tid LP
inn I evighetens Morke EP necromantic gallery productions
devils path EP
enthrone darkness triumphant LP
enthrone darkness triumphant PD
puritanical euphoric misanthropia Gatefold double LP
world misanthropy LP multi colored vinyl
ethereal – dominion 10” MLP
elysian fields – adelain LP
empyrium – a wintersunset LP
emperor – debut MLP
wrath of the tyrant LP mlimited to 666 copies + POSTER
wrath of the tyrant picture lp (ltd to 525 copies Damnation records release)
reverence 7”
reverence 12”
anthems to the welkin… LP
as the shadows rise EP including sticker
in the nightside eclipse PD
emperial live ceremony PD
IX equilibrium PD
Prometheus – the discipline of fire and demise PD
entombed – lefthand path LP
clandestine LP
wolverine blues
to ride shoot straight and speak …2 –LP
enslaved – hordanes land MLP
split with satyricon LP
frost LP
Eld 2LP
Evil –Evil message MLP
exciter – heavy metal maniac Lp
exodus – bonded by blood LP (original torrid records pressing)
and then there were… limited to 300 bootleg LP
exorcist – nightmare theatre LP (CULT!)
exulceration – split with Putrid offal LP
exumer – possessed by fire LP
forgotten woods – as the wolves gather LP (limited to 300)
the curse of mankind Lp
funebre – children of the scorn LP
gehenna – first spell mlp (limited to 666 copies I got number 3 Damnation records)
first spell MLP (misprint on the cover)
2nd spell (black vinyl)
2nd spell (red vinyl)
gehennah – hardrocker LP
king of the sidewalk LP
decibel rebel LP
no fucking Christmas 7” (gold vinyl)
no fucking Christmas MLP
Grotesque – incantation MLP
gluecifer – riding the tiger LP
leather chair 7”
goatlord – reflections.. LP
gorgoroth – pentagram LP
antichrist LP
destroyer PD
destroyer LP
Antichrist PD
Pentagram PD
Under the sign of hell LP
Incipit satan LP
grave – in to the grave LP
godflesh –streetcleaner LP
grave digger- heavy metal breakdown LP
hellhammer – apocalyptic raids MLP (original press + text)
apocalyptic raids MLP(2nd press PINK LOGO)
apocalyptic raids MLP( US pressing)
apocalyptic raids MLP (brazilian pressing + bonustracks)
apocalypric raids PICTURE LP
crucifixion LP
satanic rites LP (splatter/vomit vinyl bootleg LP)
bootleg 7” limited to 333 copies
triumph of death LP
holocausto –campo de extermino LP
negatives LP
Havohey – black perversion MLP (total shit)
unholy darkness and impurity 7” (re-release, different cover as original)
Hobbs angel of death- same title LP
the hellacopters – supershitty to the max LP
split 10” with gluecifer (green vinyl)
split 10” with Gluecifer (orange vinyl)
soulseller 7” (colored vinyl)
paying the dues LP
soulseller 7” (black vinyl)
inferno – utter hell LP
downtown hades LP (contains 2 live bonustracks)
incubus – serpent temptation LP
beyond the unknown Lp
incubus (second band from usa) – 7”
immortal – diabolical fullmoon mysticism LP
diabolical fullmoon mysticism picture Disc
pure holocaust Picture disc
pure holocaust LP
battles in the north Picture disc
blizzard beasts Picture disc
at the heart of winter Gatefold LP
at the heart of winter Picture disc
damned in black LP
damned in black picture disc
sons of northern darkness LP
sons of northern darkness picture disc
impaled Nazarene – tol cormpt norz…LP
ugra karma LP
goat perversion 7”
taog eht fo htao 7” (demo on 7”

satanic masowhore 7”
soumi finland perkele White vinyl LP
latex cult gatefold LP
motorpenis SINGLE CD
split with Driller Killer White vinyl EP
infernal majesty – none shall defy LP
impetigo – ultimo mondo cannibale LP
split 7” with Blood
Buio Omega 7”
faceless 7”
katatonia – for funerals to come picture disc
split 10” with Primordial
kreator- endless pain LP
pleasure to kill LP
flag of hate MLP
flag of hate (us pressing + bonustracks)
behind the mirror picture disc
extreme aggression LP
terrible certainty LP
coma of souls LP
Kawir – to kavir’s MLP
split 7” with Sigh
loucyfer- worship flesh LP
limbonic art – moon in the scorpio 2-LP (damnation records)
megadeath- killing is my business LP
metal inferno compilation lp including Venom
necrophagia – ready for death LP
season of the death Lp
holocausto de la morte LP
holocausto de la morte PD
black blood vomitorium Picture MLP
a legacy of horror, gore and sickness Gatefold 2 LP
nifelheim – s/t lp + poster
devil’s force LP
unholy death EP
necrophile split with Abhorer LP
necronomicon – apocalyptic nightmare Lp
NME – unholy death LP
obituary – slowly we rot LP
cause of death LP
OLD- old lady drivers LP
order from chaos – plateau of invincibility 10” mlp
stillbirth machineLP
webs and perdition 7”
Jericho trumpet 7”
live into distant fears live 7”
onslaught – power of hell LP
sabbat - sabbatical demoslaught red vinyl 7” #200 copies
sabbatical demoslaught black vinyl 7” # 500 copies
sabbatical magicurse/baltic harmageddon 7” #300 copies
sabbat/gorgon split EP
sabbat /unholy grave split EP
envenom LP
envenom PD
evoke PD
Samael – worship him LP
blood ritual LP
ceremony of opposites LP
ceremony of opposites PD
passage LP
eternal LP
Satyricon – dark medieval times LP
The shadowthrone gatefold LP comes with poster
Nemesis divina gatefold LP
rebel extravaganza + intermezzo II SET (rare)
3 PICTURE DISCS BOX (dark medieval times/shadowthrone /nemesis divina)
Storm nordavind LP
Ulver - trilogie 3 PICTURE DISC BOX SET (bergtatt / kveldssanger / nattens madrigal)
P.U.S. – s/t LP
Pestilence – maleus maleficarum LP
consuming impulse LP
poison – into the abyss Lp
possessed – 7 churches LP
7 churches picture LP
live in San Francisco ’84 bootleg LP
protector – misanthropy MLP
golem LP
turn the mud LP
pungent stench – for god your soul for me your flesh LP
split 7” with benediction
extreme deformity 7”
been caught buttering Lp
dirty rhymes and psychotronic blastbeats MLP
club mondo bizarre LP
praise the names of the musical assassins 2 LP
pyogenesis – ignis creation LP
rotting christ – split with Monumentum EP
passage to arcturo MLP
thy mighty contract PD
satanas tedeum PD
non serviam PD
triarchy of the lost lovers LP
the mystical meeting PD
split with Monumentum PD
morbid angel – abomination of desolation LP (Japanese bootleg)
abomination LP(earache version)
blasphemy Live bootleg LP
altars of madness LP
altars of madness (LIMITED EDITION splattervinyl)
blessed are the sick LP
split 7” with slaughterlord
sickness over Europe live LP
European madness ’89 live LP
crush Jesus Christ tour ’91 live LP
morgoth – the eternal fall mlp
cursed LP
mortuary drape – into the drape MLP
all the witches dance LP
mystifier – wicca LP
master – master LP
merciless – the awakening LP (deathlike silence productions #001)
demo1 7”
demo2 7”
the treasures within LP
monstrosity – imperial doom LP
master’s hammer- ritual LP (official cze- version )
ritual LP (osmose version,clear vinyl limited to 300)
the jilemnice occultist LP
klavierstuck 7”
murder rape –celebration of supreme evil LP
mortem – demon tales LP
necrosanct – equal in death LP
necromatia – split LP with varathron “the everlasting sins” LP
crossing the fiery path LP
scarlet evil witching black LP
from the past we summon thee 7” (original version with sculptured cover)
ancient pride
macabre – grim reality MLP
shitlist 7”
gloom 7”
mayhem – deathcrush POSERCORPSE LP
deathcrush MLP (DSP version – red cover)
deathcrush picture Disc GMR music group
deathcrush LP (bootleg on red vinyl)
split LP with Morbid (original version)
split LP with morbid (shitty version)
split Picture disc with morbid
wolf’s lair abyss MLP
wolf’s lair abyss MLP Picture disc
de mysteriis dom sathanas LP
de mysteriis dom sathanas picture disc
live in Leipzig Lp (original version,with 2 lyrics and letter of Dead)
live in Leipzig picture LP
out from the dark GOLD PICTURE DISC
out from the dark Red picture disc
I love Transylvania EP
freezing moon / carnage picture mlp
pure fucking Armageddon Lp first version limited to 333 copies
pure fucking Armageddon LP with the same cover as CD version
pure fucking Armageddon Picture disc
dawn of the black hearts LP
dawn of the black hearts picture disc
the return live LP limited to 1000 copies
split with zyklon-b picture EP
ha elm zalag red vinyl LP
split LP with Emperor (new commercial release)
Marduk – La grande danse macabre PD
world funeral PD
lucifer EP
hearse EP
slay the Nazarene EP
heaven shall burn when we are gathered PD
Panzer division marduk PD
live in germania 2 LP
dark endless picture disc
opus nocturne LP (green vinyl # 300 copies)
heaven shall burn LP
heaven shall burn picture disc
glorification MLP (+ bonus)
fuck me jesus EP first press
blackcrowned vol.1 PD
blackcrowned vol.2 PD
massacre – the final holocaust promo LP
the final … LP
enjoy the violence LP
Masacre- requima LP
split with Profanatica
miasma – changes LP
monumentum – in abscentia…Lp
mutilator –into the strange LP
morbid – December moon MLP (red vinyl)
December moon MLP (black vinyl)
rehearsal LP #100 copies
messiah – hymn to abramelin LP (first pressing black cover,signed)
hymn to… LP (red cover 2nd pressing)
extreme cold weather LP
metallica –whiplash MLP
jump in the fire MLP
creeping death MLP
kill’em all LP
master of puppets LP
ride the lighting LP
interview with James Hetfield picture shape LP limited to 200 copies
mortal sin –mayhemic destruction LP
moonfog sampler – crusade from the north 2 LP
motorhead – motorhead LP
no sleep til hammersmith live lp
blitzkrieg on Birmingham ’77 live lp
snake bit love lp
iron fist LP
overkill Lp
another perfect day Lp
rock’n roll lp
orgasmatron Lp
bomber Lp
ace of spades LP
no sleep at all LIVE LP
live EP lochem pop
on parole LP
recorded live bootleg LP
beer drinkers LP
4 track ’77 EP
the one to sing the blues EP
Mysticum – in the streams of inferno LP
Mystifier – Tormenting the holy trinity (since 1989) LP
Wicca PD
Varathron/Necromantia – the everlasting sins LP cult
His majesty at the swamp LP cyber music
His majesty at the swamp PD pagan records