Associating Artwork with Music


New Metal Member
Apr 27, 2006
So the title is pretty self explanatory. Do you have a strong association with the package artwork and the music? Also how well of a representation do you think the artwork is in most cases compared to the music? Does bad artwork sometimes make the music harder to get into because of this? Lastly how will you feel once digital distribution kills packaging and artwork for good?

I don't have that many CD's right now so the entire package is a little unimportant to me, but I'm positive that the main artwork either influences the listening experience or else the artists just make the artwork so well after the fact that it typically reflects the listening experience. In other words I'm not sure if the artwork gives the music a certain vibe or if the music's vibe is just perfectly reflected in artwork most of the time. Idk if that's what you were going for but w/e..
I probably wouldn't have bought Viva Emptiness anno 2006 if it had different artwork and then the whooooole universe would be different, so yeah.

I love packaging and artwork, and if/when it disappears I shall be sad.
The biggest thing for me is the color pallet for the artwork. I have a strong association between music and color. So sometimes the artwork can throw me off a bit because of this. Although most of the time the bands I enjoy work with artists that have a solid understanding of the music so it usually works out.
The biggest thing for me is the color pallet for the artwork. I have a strong association between music and color. So sometimes the artwork can throw me off a bit because of this. Although most of the time the bands I enjoy work with artists that have a solid understanding of the music so it usually works out.

same here, when I listen to Pink Floyd, with Darkside of the moon in particular, I picture of void of black, the music that is pink floyd fills the void with fleeting colors and shapes, much like a mushroom trip
i dunno, i really like when the artwork compliments the music, it just makes it that much better.

on the other side of that coin sometimes i see certain artwork and i can just tell it wont be a good album. but i think that is mostly when you feel it will be a generic album by the generic artwork, like a power metal album with a guy on a horse with a giant sword, or a brutal death metal album you can tell is just trying to be as sick as possible

but i just really hate wasting my time i suppose (yet im on here daily :lol:)
I hate how most metal bands are generic as fuck. Especially promo pics, magazine covers, etc. 4 or 5 dudes wearing black standing around trying to look macho or evil, its retarded

Edit: I look at those pics and think "wow that's never been done before.

I feel like all the mystery behind music has died. I used to like knowing relatively nothing about a band. Now we know what brand cereal they eat in the morning. The interwebz killed it.
Only if you look for it. I have friends who don't know the names of the bandmembers, even if they really dig them.

I challenge you to find a type of music where that isn't so to some degree or another. Everything has some degree of generic blandness.
I personally love katatonia's art work...Travis smith has really captured the mood of the music....too bad i can't say much about their music vidoes.
I'll say that 25% of the reason I purchase vinyls is for the artwork and presentation. And most of the time I am satisfied...though sometimes labels are lazy and just scan the cd cover. Even if the artwork sucks, it doesn't change my views on the music itself.
I challenge you to find a type of music where that isn't so to some degree or another. Everything has some degree of generic blandness.

maybe I should have worded my response differently. I'm not claiming that metal is the only genre that's cliche and generic, sure other bands have generic promo pics as well. What I should have said is that 99% of metal promo pics are lame and gay, to me metal promo pics are just like rap promo pics, a bunch of dumb fucks standing around trying to look hard . . . . .especially American metal.
It's Metal....Do you think they should have flowers in their hair and smile while they have lyrics that talk about death, destruction, apocalypse, whores and drinking alcohol 24/7?

Anyways...the masters started it and these promos still look killer.









Well....there's some sarcasm there.
maybe I should have worded my response differently. I'm not claiming that metal is the only genre that's cliche and generic, sure other bands have generic promo pics as well. What I should have said is that 99% of metal promo pics are lame and gay, to me metal promo pics are just like rap promo pics, a bunch of dumb fucks standing around trying to look hard . . . . .especially American metal.

Ok, different challenge: What promo pics do you like?

Because, like Kev said, its metal. Thats what you do. If it is a bit silly.. then thats what it is. Just look at manowar.
I like seeing album art being used for live shows, tshirts, posters, est. You see it more that way. As for the connection between album art and music, I think the below one illustrates perfectively the over all message of the album.
