

New Metal Member
Jun 11, 2004
Mexico C.D
:rock: The Female Trio started back in 1995 under the name LLOTH, with TRISTESSA (bass and acoustic guitars ,NEMESIS (guitars), KINTHIA (vocals/guitars),) and PSYCHOSLAUGHTER from the Death/ Doom band Invocation as a session drummer. In May 1997 they recorded their first official demo entitled “Dancing In the Dark Lakes Of Evil”. The music is fast and aggressive with a nightmarish atmosphere and mystical sound. Meanwhile the band changes its band name from LLOTH to ASTARTE. At the year 1998 the band enters in the Extreme Black Metal scene dynamically with the official release album entitled “Doomed Dark Years”. After two years of extensive work,, the band gained recognition and respect of the fans in major European countries. It was time to record their second opus entitled “Rise From Within”. Their music became more complex and atmospheric but in the same time aggressive and violent! “ Rise From Within” is a piece of work dedicated to the esoteric doctrine full of Black Metal rage and Hatred.

In February 2002Astarte attack back with a third album entitled “Quod Superius, Sicut Inferius”). The recordings made in Praxis studio. This time the music status open and portrait pure aggression mixed with poetic melodies. SURE SHOT promotion office( Immortal, Pantera…) took care over the promotion through a limited release of the album. One year later the band participates in the Tribute to Celtic Frost with the song “Sorrows of the Moon”. At that time the contract with Black Lotus expired. The band makes some inner changes with the leading Mistress Tristessa ( bass, Vocals, acoustic guitars) and the new companion in darkness KATHARSIS(keyboards) and HYBRIS ( Guitars) . ASTARTE signed a new contract with the Italian AVANTGARDE records . In April 2004 the new bloody mistresses release their fourth album , which is entitled SIRENS and the mix and Mastering took place in the Finnish studio Tico Tico. The new album shall load more aggression and more hatred music to open a new chapter of Black /Death fear. :rock:

:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:

Veel kusjes......ADeu.