Astoria Needs Your Help


New Metal Member
Oct 29, 2002
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Westminster Council are trying to shut down the London Astoria by not allowing them to update their liscense, but they have allowed it for meanfiddler which is ran by the same company?!?!?

Could you please sign this petition to help fight against losing one of the UK's greatest venues.
hmmmm problem is not many big death/black/doom bands play Astoria any more, because their shows are so small over here they all use The Mean Fiddler or Electric Ballroom and the big 80's bands and that use Brixton, so I can't say it would be a huge loss to the metal world. On the other hand after seeing Lacuna Coil, Sentenced and Blachshine there the other night I think it is a much better venue for big gigs, it will be a shame to see it go if this does go ahead. After the halloween show with Lacuna Coil though I'm sure they made enough money out of that alone! I mean it was a sold out gig and the que went for 3 blocks, your telling me they don't have the money for that liscence lol.