Astral Doors new album review.


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
OK girls and boys the new review of an upcoming 2006 album by yours truly. And this one will make at least TSO jump sky high ;)

It seems Nils and the boys are given no rest to the wicked and fresh from their EP a new album “Astralism” is hitting us soon (March probably).

‘EVP’: what defines a band trademark? In the case of AD to me is the way the start the album, always with a fast, heavy, energetic opener and this is exactly what you’ll get with this one. The best description to compare will be ‘We Rock’ on steroids, you can feel the engine pushing you lightning fast to the cliff, pure adrenaline.

‘Black Rain’: big contrast with this one starting with a soft mellow acoustic guitar and blowing in your face at 0:34. A song typical from AD, which to me is defined as Dio sound on a well done power metal structure. It’s very classic but also very modern (in the good sense of the word), the solo is short but well crafted.

‘London Caves’: the formula kept going on. No rest yet as the energy flows thundering in the speakers, and I must add the odd note that you must definitively have to love this band otherwise you may feel it repetitive.

‘From Satan With Love’: here the keyboards are more prominent as the song unfolds on mid-tempo but always thunderous, it reminds me of ‘Rainbow In The Dark’ with more pounding.

‘Fire In The House’: I guess these guys don’t know the concept of ballad since here comes another avalanche, I tremble to thing on this band live the poor people must do a workout that put any gym expert to shame. Relentless energy hitting the listener to a surely whiplash if you headbang to this.

‘Israel’: I wish I had the lyrics right now, the song opens with something that reminds me a Hebrew prayer but I can’t be sure. The song also relies more on keyboards and have a more progressive approach that the previous ones. The chorus is more prominent and at 2:43 just previous to the instrumental part the songs has a flavor like “Sign Of The Southern Cross’ (at least to me).

‘Raiders Of The Ark’: this one also can be found in the 2005 EP. It’s fast but not as ponderous as the opener and subsequent songs. This one reminds me more of Dio (but which AD song doesn’t? :p) in the sense of being less power. I like the way they’re handling solos in this album, short, simple but with feeling a balance between crappy guitar sound of mallcore bands and extensive complex solos of wanker bands.

‘Tears From A Titan’: starts with a classic baroque organ and unfolds on a mid-pace crushing song with a smooth but epic flavor. Along with the opener this is my favorite so far in sense of carrying the listener along for the ride perfectly.

‘Oliver Twist’: a good song which fits in the spirit of the album but nothing to rave about I guess this is what can be considered a filler in some sense.

‘Vendetta’: the song goes by its name but I would have expected yet more energy (if that is possible) nearly tops the opener in the ass-kicking department.

‘The Green Mile’: a good song which fits in the spirit of the album but nothing to rave about I guess this is what can be considered a filler in some sense (haven’t I typed this before?)

‘In Rock We Trust’: not as classic as Long Live Rock’N’Roll but undeniably with the same spirit and by the sound of live audience a contender for the live set I bet.

‘Apocalypse Revealed’: the last and longest song (ticking at 7:40) is a heavy mid/fast paced tune with prominent keyboards and energetic drumming guiding the vocals (or viceversa) along a ride of sweat and chanting, I can feel of being among the crowd in front of the band while they play this one. And at 4:58 a change that give some rest in a mood like the opening verses of Don’t Talk To Strangers just to retake the energy and a final stretch to the goal.

I’m sure UMOS people and fans of the band will be delighted with this one, so save some money :Spin:
Man, they're prolific. I still haven't picked up their album from last year yet...
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Sounds like it's going to be right on par with their other releases.

You can bet on that ;)

wdiv said:
Man, they're prolific. I still haven't picked up their album from last year yet...

I already ordered the EP and now I will have to order the album too!