Astral Doors


Feb 27, 2002
Macon, GA
Anyone into this band? Love to see them at PPVII, awesome
traditional melodic metal similar to 80's era Sabbath (Dio and
Tony Martin) with a bit of heavy Rainbow mixed in. I don't remember
Nils Patrick Johansson sounding like this with Wuthering Heights! Killer...

Yeah, reminds me a lot of Tony Martin as well; really makes me interested to
hear how he sounds on Richard Andersson's latest Space Odyssey CD...

Yeah...been following this band close. They are definitely kicking my ass! Great musicianship & vocalist....a Dio era Rainbow on steroids & XTC !!! Classic...yet over the top enough to rip your head off. Obtained a copy of their very 1st material which is supposedly unreleased. Vocalist shows different styles on he was not sure which direction to go in. He definitely chose well. They would rage at PP.
I just ordered their second CD. I agree, this is very much Dio of Rainbow/Sabbath music, and very cool.

I'd love to see them at a future PP. Maybe Glenn can convince Nils to keep his shirt on this time, though.

Steve in Philly
DarkOne said:
Maybe Glenn can convince Nils to keep his shirt on this time, though.

Steve in Philly

Heehee...I'll quietly second that request...may be a tall order, though (no pun intended)...

Rock on!
DarkOne said:
I just ordered their second CD. I agree, this is very much Dio of Rainbow/Sabbath music, and very cool.

I'd love to see them at a future PP. Maybe Glenn can convince Nils to keep his shirt on this time, though.

Steve in Philly


You're gonna love that second release - EVIL IS FOREVER is the
album Dio should've released IMHO...

I have given these guys chance, after chance and I can't listen to them. The singer tries WAY too hard to sound like Dio. He ends up sounding like a bad parody of RJD...imo. If he would pull it back a tad, he might be alright. As it is, he just annoys the hell outta me.
I love this band, love the "Dio" vocals, but they got so much music and vocals going on the same time that when I listen too long I tend to get a headache.