Lion's Share - Emotional Coma

It's not his rules...he got slammed himself. seems others get a pass. Hmmm....

I know, I was referencing the part he quoted, but it wouldn't show up in what I qouted. Hmmm.... there are probably unwritten forum rules about that too.....

Back on topic. I like Nils, I like Lion's Share, I can only see good things from this.
I've been listening to "Dark Hours" for the last few days and really enjoy this disc! So far, my two favorite tracks are Judas Must Die and Heavy Cross To Bear. I've not heard anything other than "Dark Hours" by this band though.

I've been listening to "Dark Hours" for the last few days and really enjoy this disc! So far, my two favorite tracks are Judas Must Die and Heavy Cross To Bear. I've not heard anything other than "Dark Hours" by this band though.


If you like Dark Hours you'll like Emotional Coma.
I've been listening to "Dark Hours" for the last few days and really enjoy this disc! So far, my two favorite tracks are Judas Must Die and Heavy Cross To Bear. I've not heard anything other than "Dark Hours" by this band though.


From :

"A free download of the first single “Judas Must Die” is available at the following location and the video for the same song at
“Dark Hours” is out now on Blistering Records in Europe and North America and on King Records in Japan. Check out some stunning reviews at:
WebLinks: / /"
"Emotional Coma" is one hell of an album and "Dark Hours" is my #2 album of the year so far. I don't know the band before Nils Patrick Johanssen joint. I started with them because of him (gotta love Astral Doors).

As for Lion's Share (and the hard rock side project of Lars and Sampo Road To Ruin) is one of those bands that restore the faith in metal. Indeed songs like: 'Clones Of Fate', 'Toxication Rave', 'Trafficking', Hatred's My Fuel :)notworthy), 'Judas Must Die', 'The Bottomless Pit', 'Barker Ranch', 'Napalm Nights' show that the band is nothing but quality. :headbang: