Astronomy thread

The Ozzman

Melted by feels
Sep 17, 2006
In My Kingdom Cold
Post crazy shit you find about astronomical or cosmological related subjects here

I found this just now:

September 12, 2007
Earth Might Survive Sun’s Explosion

What happens to planets when their stars age and die?

That’s not an academic question. About five billion years from now, astronomers say, the Sun will run out of hydrogen fuel and swell temporarily more than 100 times in diameter into a so-called red giant, swallowing Mercury and Venus and dooming life on Earth, but perhaps not Earth itself.

Astronomers are announcing that they have discovered a planet that seems to have survived the puffing up of its home star, suggesting there is some hope that Earth could survive the aging and swelling of the Sun.

The newly discovered planet is a gas giant at least three times as massive as Jupiter. It orbits about 150 million miles from a faint star in the constellation Pegasus known as V 391 Pegasi. But before that star blew up as a red giant sometime in the past and lost half its mass, the planet must have been about as far from its star as the Earth is to the Sun — about 90 million miles — the astronomers led by Roberto Silvotti of the Observatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte in Naples, Italy, calculated.

Dr. Silvotti said that the results showed that a planet at the Earth’s distance “can survive” the red giant and he hoped the discovery would spur searches for more like it. “With some statistics and new detailed models we will be able to say something more even to the destiny of our Earth (which, as we all know, has much more urgent problems by the way),” he said in an e-mail message.

He and his colleagues report their results in Nature on Thursday.

In an accompanying commentary in Nature, Jonathan Fortney of NASA’s Ames Research Center at Moffett Field in Sunnyvale, Calif., wrote, “This system allows us to start examining what will happen to planets around stars such as our own Sun as they too evolve and grow old.”

The star V 391Pegasi is about 4,500 light years away and is now about half as massive as the Sun, burning helium into carbon. It will eventually sigh off another shell of gas and settle into eternal senescence as a “white dwarf.” Meanwhile, the star’s pulsations cause it to brighten and dim every 6 minutes.

After studying the star for seven years, Dr. Silvotti and his colleagues were able to discern subtle modulations in the 6-minute cycle, suggesting that it was being tugged to and fro over a three-year period by a massive planet. “Essentially the observers are using the star as a clock, as if it were a G.P.S. satellite moving around the planet,” explained Fred Rasio, of Northwestern University, who was not involved in the research.

This is not the first time that a pulsing star has been used as such a clock. In 1992, astronomers using the same technique detected a pair of planets (or their corpses) circling the pulsar PSR1257+12.

And , today, X-ray astronomers from the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology announced they had detected the remains of a star that had been whittled by radiation down to planetary mass circling a pulsar in the constellation Sagittarius. Those systems have likely endured supernova explosions.

The Pegasus planet has had to survive relatively less lethal conditions, although it must have had a bumpy ride over its estimated 10 billion years of existence. Alan Boss, of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, said “stellar evolution can be a wild ride for a planet that is trying to survive, especially inner planets like Earth.”

When our own Sun begins to graduate from a hydrogen-burning “main sequence” star to a red giant, two effects will compete to determine the Earth’s fate, the astronomers explain. On one hand, as the Sun blows off mass in order to conserve angular momentum, the Earth will retreat to a more distant, safer orbit. But at the same time tidal forces between the Earth and the expanding star will try to drag the planet inward where it could be engulfed. The latter effect, in particular, is difficult to compute.

As a result, said Mario Livio of the Space Telescope Science Institute, of the inner planets, “the Earth’s fate is actually the most uncertain because it is at the border line between being engulfed and surviving.”

A particularly dangerous time for Earth, Dr. Silvotti said, would be at the end of the red giant phase when the Sun’s helium ignites in an explosive flash. In the case of V 391 Pegasi, that explosion sent a large fraction of the star’s mass flying outward.

“This is another reason why the survival of a planet in a relatively close orbit is not trivial,” he said.

Here is an interesting picture from there:

I have an Astronomy course this semester. I skipped it last night because I wanted to watch the game. I probably shouldn't have, seeing as each class I did go to left me thinking "Wait... What? All that shit the Professor just said for the past two and a half hours? Yeah, over my head."
My Astro class had zero math in it. I actually wouldn't have cared if there was math involved. I even put on the course evaluation (that the dept chair also reads) that there should be more math in the class. The math in that class would be fucking cake compared to some of the math I did in my finance classes, which is why I wouldn't have cared.
What kind of difficult math do you do in finace classes? Compound interests? Taxes? I'm not trying to sound like an asshole but finace math seems like nothing next to what I help my room mate out with. On the other hand, I don't even know what math would be involved in astronomy :[
What kind of difficult math do you do in finace classes? Compound interests? Taxes? I'm not trying to sound like an asshole but finace math seems like nothing next to what I help my room mate out with. On the other hand, I don't even know what math would be involved in astronomy :[

Well, depending on the types of courses you take, you may have to do shit like this:

or this:
Someone post the link to that news article where astronomers found the gigantic void in space. Or the one with how space dust is "AlIvE!!" (or at least appears to transfer information through what appears to be bonds shaped into double helix strands).
Someone post the link to that news article where astronomers found the gigantic void in space. Or the one with how space dust is "AlIvE!!" (or at least appears to transfer information through what appears to be bonds shaped into double helix strands).

University of Minnesota astronomers have found an enormous hole in the Universe, nearly a billion light-years across, empty of both normal matter such as stars, galaxies and gas, as well as the mysterious, unseen 'dark matter.' While earlier studies have shown holes, or voids, in the large-scale structure of the Universe, this new discovery dwarfs them all.

'Not only has no one ever found a void this big, but we never even expected to find one this size,' said Lawrence Rudnick of the University of Minnesota astronomy professor. Rudnick, along with grad student Shea Brown and associate professor Liliya Williams, also of the University of Minnesota, reported their findings in a paper accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal.

Astronomers have known for years that, on large scales, the Universe has voids largely empty of matter. However, most of these voids are much smaller than the one found by Rudnick and his colleagues. In addition, the number of discovered voids decreases as the size increases.

'What we've found is not normal, based on either observational studies or on computer simulations of the large-scale evolution of the Universe,' Williams said.

The astronomers drew their conclusion by studying data from the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS), a project that imaged the entire sky visible to the Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope, part of the National Science Foundation's National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO). Their study of the NVSS data showed a remarkable drop in the number of galaxies in a region of sky in the constellation Eridanus, southwest of Orion.

'We already knew there was something different about this spot in the sky,' Rudnick said. The region had been dubbed the 'WMAP Cold Spot,' because it stood out in a map of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation made by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotopy Probe (WMAP) satellite, launched by NASA in 2001. The CMB, faint radio waves that are the remnant radiation from the Big Bang, is the earliest 'baby picture' available of the Universe. Irregularities in the CMB show structures that existed only a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang.

The WMAP satellite measured temperature differences in the CMB that are only millionths of a degree. The cold region in Eridanus was discovered in 2004.

Astronomers wondered if the cold spot was intrinsic to the CMB, and thus indicated some structure in the very early Universe, or whether it could be caused by something more nearby through which the CMB had to pass on its way to Earth. Finding the dearth of galaxies in that region by studying NVSS data resolved that question.

'Although our surprising results need independent confirmation, the slightly lower temperature of the CMB in this region appears to be caused by a huge hole devoid of nearly all matter roughly 6-10 billion light-years from Earth,' Rudnick said.

How does a lack of matter cause a lower temperature in the Big Bang's remnant radiation as seen from Earth?

The answer lies in dark energy, which became a dominant force in the Universe very recently, when the Universe was already three-quarters of the size it is today. Dark energy works opposite gravity and is speeding up the expansion of the Universe. Thanks to dark energy, CMB photons that pass through a large void just before arriving at Earth have less energy than those that pass through an area with a normal distribution of matter in the last leg of their journey.

In a simple expansion of the universe, without dark energy, photons approaching a large mass -- such as a supercluster of galaxies -- pick up energy from its gravity. As they pull away, the gravity saps their energy, and they wind up with the same energy as when they started.

But photons passing through matter-rich space when dark energy became dominant don't fall back to their original energy level. Dark energy counteracts the influence of gravity and so the large masses don't sap as much energy from the photons as they pull away. Thus, these photons arrive at Earth with a slightly higher energy, or temperature, than they would in a dark energy-free Universe.

Conversely, photons passing through a large void experience a loss of energy. The acceleration of the Universe's expansion, and thus dark energy, were discovered less than a decade ago. The physical properties of dark energy are unknown, though it is by far the most abundant form of energy in the Universe today. Learning its nature is one of the most fundamental current problems in astrophysics.

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation, operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc. This research at the University of Minnesota is supported by individual investigator grants from the NSF and NASA.
I'm bumping this because there's too much political backwash mucking up our shit. I was going to start a thread about "Space" but figured I'd make sure no one had done something already; turns out Ozz beat me to it... TEN FUCKING YEARS AGO.

Anyway, came across these again today, first released a few months ago. Still incredible:

May 8 Titan

A composite image of the large moon Titan.
May 5 The G Ring

Sunlight catches Saturn’s faint G ring.
May 4 Outward Bound

Cassini moves away from Saturn in this animation of images taken over eight hours.
May 3 Through the Rings

Cassini looks back at Saturn after its second pass through the gap between the planet and its rings.
May 2 Rhea

Saturn’s moon Rhea is one of the most heavily cratered objects in the solar system.
April 29 Saturn at a Distance

April 26 First Close Dive
Cassini returned the closest images ever taken of Saturn’s atmosphere.


A composite image of the hexagonal storm over Saturn’s north pole.

A detail of the eye of the storm.

Cassini passed within 1,900 miles of Saturn’s clouds.