Asymmetry Festival III 29.04.-03.05.2011 @Firlej, Wrocaw (Poland)


New Metal Member
Mar 30, 2010
Asymmetry Festival is a holiday of avant-garde sounds from the verge of rock, metal and electronics. This year, during the following days: 29.04-03.05.2011, the Wroclaw club Firlej, is organizing the third edition of the event. The invited stars are, among others, the British legends, ELECTRIC WIZARD and GODFLESH.

Since it’s origination, the festival gathers fans of alternative music from the whole of Europe. However, the organizers do not forget about the Wroclaw audience, and organized a special, neoclassical live show, of the Belgian act, Aranis. It will take place on the final day of the event, in the Maria Magdalena cathedral in Wroclaw.

An additional event taking place as a part of the festival is the Neuro Music Contest, which is directed towards young bands. Its final stage will take place, on April 2nd, in club Firlej.


02.04.Neuro Music Contest final:

Belzebong (pl), Elvis Deluxe (pl), Phobh (pl), Sun For Miles (pl), Ultimate Universe (pl), Zoltar (pl)

29.04. Asymmetry Festival – day 1:

Weedeater (us), Zoroaster (us), Oranssi Pazuzu (fin), Lloyd Turner (it), one of the two winners of the contest

30.04. Asymmetry Festival – day 2:

Electric Wizard (uk), Julie Christmas (us), The Secret (it), Kokomo (de), Dirk Serries/Microphonics (be)

01.05. Asymmetry Festival – day 3:

Godflesh (uk), Jucifer (us), The Orange Man Theory (it), Oozing Goo (de), Final (uk), second winner of the contest

03.05. Live show at the St. Maria Magdalena cathedral:

Aranis (be)


The tickets for the first festival day cost 70pln (€17); for the following two days – 100pln (€25). The three-day ticket can be bought for 220pln (€55). There are also separate tickets available for the Aranis show and the Neuro Music Contest final, which are, respectively, 25pln (~€6,5) and 15pln (~€4). All tickets can be bought at the Firlej club, and via the ticket sellers.