At The Gate's The Red in the Sky is Ours


Active Member
Nov 24, 2005
This album has been kicking my ass a lot lately, so I decided that I should write a review on it. I don't write much reviews, but I'm bored, and don't have much else to do right now.

Anyways, when I here this album I think of a dark rainy gloomy day with a bit of red in it(lol). I don't know if it has to do with the fact that when I bought this album, it was a rainy dark day also, or if it is the album itself. Anyways, I love the feeling of dark gloomy weather, so who cares! The album begins with a 1 2 3 4, drum type thing, then a terrifying scream comes out right at you. From that point you know that this album is going to be terribly terrifying, in a good way. One of the things that makes this album really great is the vocals. Every time I hear them, I hear torture. Of coarse in a good way. One could easily compare them to Varg.

Now onto the actual musical part of the album. You defiantly hear a sense of technical skills. The drums are excellent. Great riffs. Also, you hear a violin come in a certain parts of the album adding more to the dark, gloomy atmosphere.

In conclusion, this is a must have death metal/melodic death metal album. Pick it up if you haven't.
I have a hard time listening to this album because of the poor production. Its great and when I do listen to it i really enjoy it. But I wish they would remix/remaster it or something for some kinda anniversary release or something. I'd be happy.