The Red In The Sky Is Ours . . . and my vacation.

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
So . . . Erik . . . I should be getting 'The Red In The Sky Is Ours' in the mail any time now. We'll see if it lives up to all your hype.:grin:

Also . . . if you don't see me around here from about May 29th through June 12th, it's because I'll be on vacation. I've never had a two week vacation before in my life.

Isn't it nice that I tell you all these details of my life . . .:p
Definitely would hit the bookends, but the girl in the middle looks like she has a pair of testicles, and the one to her right is packin' full heat! :eek:
NAD said:
Definitely would hit the bookends, but the girl in the middle looks like she has a pair of testicles, and the one to her right is packin' full heat! :eek:
:lol: You realize that we are the only two people who clinically dissect each picture Nate ever posts...

...the one second from right actually looks like she has a dog penis, unless of course that's a turd nugget stuck between her flaps through wiping her arse forwards.
JayKeeley said:
unless of course that's a turd nugget stuck between her flaps through wiping her arse forwards.
Egads, anyone that does this should be gathered up with the remnants of Cruud and burned as well. That's just dirty man! :yuk: