AT4033/AT4040 and SM7


Mar 9, 2009
I'm now in the position to buy myself a new vocal mic.

I'm not really in a position to record a lot of bands, I mainly do demos for my band and another band in the area.

For the price of an SM7 new, I can get an AT4033 or AT4040(second hand) and Auto Tune EVO. Am I better going with the AT's or is the SM7 REALLY worth getting?

It's mainly melodic stuff I'm recording so how well the mic can handle screams isn't an issue.

Cheers guys :)
Do you have a well treated room to record vocals in? I honestly prefer my Kel HM7U to my SM7 most of the time but only because I put up broadband absorbers to kill the reflections. A condenser in an untreated room is gonna be messy, the SM7 rejects room sound a lot better. SM7 needs a fair bit of gain too, most preamps can handle it fine but if you are using something cheap and noisy you are going to struggle.
My room is pretty well treated yeah. It's pretty dead sounding. I'll be recording vocals in my "control room." Making sure it was well treated was one of the first upgrades I did to my rig.

I've got a Motu and a Digi 002. A decent preamp is in my sights, but not in the near future as there's plenty more I'd like to get before that.

Cheers for the response :)
I think the AT4040 is a great purchase at a relatively low price. Can't be beaten. I'll get more detail and more versatility with it, not only for vocals but for any kind of acoustic instruments, specially ac. guitars.
haven't used the 4040 or SM7, but i can tell you that the 4033 is an absolute workhorse mic - vocals, acoustic guitars, guitar cabs, drums, whatever...if you can't get that mic to sound good on something, then you have some serious fucking issues with the source or room!
Cheers guys, I think I'll just get an Audio Technica. Forum search has pulled up good words about both models. Everyone has a hard on for an SM7 just now, but I don't think I can reall go wrong with either of these 3 mics.
The ATs are very different from the SM7. I don't think the Shure ir an all-around mic while the ATs are. Between the 4040 and 4033 I'd go for the 4040, but that's just personal taste. Both are great.
I don't think the Shure ir an all-around mic while the ATs are.


That's just not true. SM7 on anything, ever. Vocals, cabs (guitars or bass), acoustic guitar, mono room mic, hats, snare, floor tom. I can't really think of much it won't work on. It was used all over MJ's "Thriller" - mainly on his vocals ;)
Both are tits, I own an AT4040, It's not "offensively" bright. It is bright but not unmanageable and it takes EQ well. The SM7, I have not used but I have heard SOOO many good recordings with it that you absolutely can't go wrong. If you can try them out side by side you should because then you'll get what you want instead of second hand information like this.

I don't really have the means to try them out side by side. I've used a 4040, although it could've been a 4033, I liked it. Thought it worked really well on vocals, and that was when I was just starting out. It was easy to EQ and get to sound good. I'm going for the AT just now and at some point in the future, I'll get the SM7.
I'll get an SM7 one day.

I've read good enough things about the 4033 that convinced me it was a good choice.
Both are tits, I own an AT4040, It's not "offensively" bright. It is bright but not unmanageable and it takes EQ well. The SM7, I have not used but I have heard SOOO many good recordings with it that you absolutely can't go wrong. If you can try them out side by side you should because then you'll get what you want instead of second hand information like this.


yerah it is!