atari flashback console

well the price is 44.74 dollars... not that much

but I guess with taxes in italy, the price is little bit more lol

1000 euro lol ahahhaha

Anyway Did you buy this people???? it would be good to have it back
Man I am old but not so old!ahah The more vintage shit I remember from my childhood is the spectrum.

Anyway, dont you have the site OLX for your country? it´s like ebay with less quality and with a shitty visual, but there are tons of awesome deals there. Here in my country there a lot of good deals in vintage consoles like mega drive, master system, NES 8bits.
never heard of , but I have found the one with the ".it" domain.
Problem with vintage consoles is that most of them maybe don't even work, I would have to try them myself, I don't trust people to send stuff without testing, at least with ebay/paypal I have a refund.
For 50 euro is tempting at least better than the 200 asked for the new snk neogeo retro console