AtG, The Crown, Arch Enemy, etc - Melodic DM or Thrash?


There was nothing...
Jul 26, 2003
New York, NY
I've had many arguments on this issue on whether some bands are 'Melodic death metal', or 'thrash', most bands that came into question are: The Crown, Arch Enemy, At The Gates, and The Haunted.

It's split down the middle with a lot of people I've talked to thinking AtG, Crown, Haunted are thrash, with more thinking Arch Enemy is melodeath with some thrash albums. Personally, I feel The Crown, and AtG especially, are melodic death metal..but what are your opinions, and reasoning, etc.
At the Gates is melodic-death-thrash-Gothenburg-suicidal-shotgunsampling-metal.

Arch Enemy is psuedo-death-power-melodic-chicksinger-somewhat-thrash-metal.

Sorry, never heard The Crown.
To break it down simply:

The Crown -- Melodic Death
Arch Enemy -- Melodic Death
At The Gates -- Melodic Death
The Haunted -- Thrash

That's a simple breakdown of all of it, without going into a shitload of detail.
I'm always confused on the genre of Melodic Death, why do people always call Inflames, melodic death when I reckon it has no elements from death metal. It's just melodic metal with rasps(pre r2r). And with other bands like Arch Enemy etc, it's just like a heavier Iron Maiden with growling to me. Maybe I'm just stupid. But if I were to call a band Melodic Death, it would be Kataklysm it contains most the elements of Death metal like growling vocals, tremolo picking, blast beating(or hyperblasting as they would like to call it) yet it's still all very melodic...

Anyone else think the same way I do? Or am I the only one?
arch enemy is thrash. thrash with swedish harmonies. in nearly every song they have the open note tred which is synonimous with thrash. the 00000002/300000004/5 sort of thing (thats just my example)
Arch Enemy - melodic death metal
The Crown - thrash metal
At the Gates - started off as death metal, became melodic death metal though parts of SOTS are basically thrash.
I'd say melodic death metal, especially Arch Enemy and At The Gates. To me, thrash is Testament, Slayer, Kreator, Destruction, etc.; basically something with a more old school feel to it.