

New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
What do you guys (especially steve...) think of ATHEIST?? Especially Unquestionable Presence and Elements... I think they are awesome, i really dig what they were doing back then. Roger Patterson was a great bassist... Rip:cry:

So, what do you think?
Atheist ruled! I heard they recently got back together so maybe a new albums on the way..who knows. that would be cool though. Cynic are gods, that is one of my all time favorite bands. any cynic fan should check out the new gordian knot album when it comes out. It has sean malone, sean reinhert, paul masvidal , and jason gobel in it!! So kinda a intramental cynic reunion except malone is the one writing the most of the album instead of paul and jason like in the cynic days.
It always amazes me that all those die-hard Cynic fans can't even spell "Reinert" correctly...
That was my point... it looks silly to see all those people saying that Sean Rainhert, Rainhart, Reinhart, Reinart, whoever is their favorite drummer... maybe their favorite band is Cynique
Jeje Elements is my fav atheist prod- I like a lot of.

I have the other two but the only one genuine is my Piece Of Time remastered version, but you can download it all from audiogalaxy until the re-issue any wait the sound (no the music)is very poor in elements becuase was made very fast just for complied with the contract after the disolution.

The number three song Samba Briza just awesome as the name.

I'm a big fan of technical Death Metal Stuff as Cynic , atheist, pestilence, death and also teh technical Metal as Gordian Knot, Aghora, Aeon Spoke (some songs are great), Spiral Architect, Watchtower, Dark Hall (wao this really kid ass) and some more.

Is true about us the fan everytime i heard the bad writing of the names is Sean Reinert and is sean malone (not SHAWN malone instead)..

Also check the atheist site forum for the news, i put a link to a site that said that this month will be the reissues..
ans also in the same forum exist a movement for to see Sean reinert in the Drums and everybody is searching for Tony Choy.

Can steve Digiorgio Participate in a reunion and play are less in one song????

will gbe great no
Originally posted by Painkiller
Jeje Elements is my fav atheist prod- I like a lot of.

I have the other two but the only one genuine is my Piece Of Time remastered version, but you can download it all from audiogalaxy until the re-issue any wait the sound (no the music)is very poor in elements becuase was made very fast just for complied with the contract after the disolution.

The number three song Samba Briza just awesome as the name.

I'm a big fan of technical Death Metal Stuff as Cynic , atheist, pestilence, death and also teh technical Metal as Gordian Knot, Aghora, Aeon Spoke (some songs are great), Spiral Architect, Watchtower, Dark Hall (wao this really kid ass) and some more.

Is true about us the fan everytime i heard the bad writing of the names is Sean Reinert and is sean malone (not SHAWN malone instead)..

Also check the atheist site forum for the news, i put a link to a site that said that this month will be the reissues..
ans also in the same forum exist a movement for to see Sean reinert in the Drums and everybody is searching for Tony Choy.

Can steve Digiorgio Participate in a reunion and play are less in one song????

will gbe great no

Fun story : Tony Choy actually wrote a message in my guest book on my site and he also left his mail there so I contacted him and it turnes out he is doing backing vocals for latin & boy bands and also some session bass work for money. I sent Rand Burkey tonys email address so hopefully they get in touch and reunite for Atheist simply rule all!