New Atheist song

don't worry, if all metal fans have this kind of attitude, eventually there will be the 5 of you, sitting in a room on your own, saying nothing, looking sour, but happy in the knowledge that by ripping on everyone else and driving all people with slightly different tastes to you away, you have preserved the pure blood of metal, and you were right and they were wrong.

and the entire genre will be dead.

shutup and go listen to Whitechapel or something.
don't worry, if all metal fans have this kind of attitude, eventually there will be the 5 of you, sitting in a room on your own, saying nothing, looking sour, but happy in the knowledge that by ripping on everyone else and driving all people with slightly different tastes to you away, you have preserved the pure blood of metal, and you were right and they were wrong.

and the entire genre will be dead.

Nah. If someone's 'driven away' from metal because someone on the intardnet ripped on their tastes then good riddance I say. If they're willing to let others dictate their tastes like that then they probably weren't into it that much in the first place.

Song was ok. Had some good bits, although I really wasn't a fan of that duuunnngg dunnnnng riff at 8secs and at 2:40.
Nah. If someone's 'driven away' from metal because someone on the intardnet ripped on their tastes then good riddance I say. If they're willing to let others dictate their tastes like that then they probably weren't into it that much in the first place.

good point, although if metal is to survive it needs to be an inclusive thing. plus, if there are scenesters about with money to spend i'd prefer they were peer-pressured into spending their cash on metal than another genre. i'm just getting worried that we shouldn't be sh*tting on each others' tastes so much as saying "cool, you're into a different thing than i am but similar".

as for the song, nothing's gonna stop me listening to voivod today.
I don't know, people shitting on other people's tastes has lead to some pretty interesting and hilarious discussions around here. I don't think metal has to be an inclusive thing to survive. I go to most metal gigs by myself because none of my friends really listen to metal and I see a lot of other dudes there by themselves too. No one should need the approval of anyone else to enjoy the music they like.

And I'd rather the scensters just fuck the hell off already so I don't have to deal with that stupid annoying ninja dancing at gigs. I honestly have no idea how they have any money left to spend on metal after they've blown it all on sleeve tattoos and earlobe stretchers anyway.
Except The Somatic Defilement is a fucking awesome album and is better than plenty of modern day death metal.