Atlanta - Nov. 16

I saw ya tonight, I was wearing the October Tide shirt.... the show was fucking awesome, it's too bad they had to cut the set short though.... I could have lived with another 4 songs or so.... shit, I could have lived with another 4 hours or so....
A friend and I went as well...they were simply incredible. Anybody have a complete set list though? They did one of their older songs I didn't recognize and I want to figure out what it was.

First concert I've seen at Hell down at the Masq too. I love how small it is, you can really get in close to the band. Damn...they were so awesome.
First concert I've seen at Hell down at the Masq too. I love how small it is, you can really get in close to the band. Damn...they were so awesome.

I've seen a couple of shows down there, but this was the first metal show. It turned out to be a surprisingly cool place for a metal crowd, I just wish that the bands could have played longer instead of turning it over the dance club people.

Excellent show, one of the best put-together metal bills I have seen in years, if not ever. All the bands seemed like they complimented each other (I didn't see the local opening band, though, so I can't say if they fit or not), it wasn't scattershot like some bills I've seen.

I wish I could have met Jonas, but I did meet everyone else. Coolest moment of the night (aside from the music of course) for me was after the show, I saw Anders Nyström carrying a box of gear out to the bus. I was standing nearby and said "Thanks for coming, great show man." He said "Thanks" but of course was busy and couldn't stop. When he returned to get more gear, he saw me with my friends and walked over out of his way to give a more formal "thanks for coming to the show" and shook my hand. :worship: Very cool guy.

Best news of all? He said, "We'll be back - and you won't have to wait as long." We need to hold them to that. :headbang:
If you've ever been to the Masquerade, you'll know that most of the metal shows are played upstairs in "heaven." This is pretty typical for every show I've seen there in the last 9 years or so, but last nights show was in "hell" downstairs due to some college fratboy rock show upstairs. I was kinda dissapointed at first because its alot smaller downstairs and I was afraid the sound wouldn't be as good, but after seeing them I can't imagine it being upstairs. I was standing directly next to the stage where the bands walk on, daylight dies was hanging out close by with myself and a couple friends of mine, so we enjoyed the show basically standing on the stage.

The set list (if memory serves) was

Soil's Song
For My Demons
The Future of Speech
Ghost of the Sun

It was so fucking incredible that I can't even remember if that is the correct order but it's fairly close. I was kinda disapointed that we didn't get anything off Discouraged Ones and only one from TD and LFDGD but either way it was amazing.

After the show my friend (who is dating Barre of DD) got him to bring us back to meet some of the Katatonia guys, unfortunately Mattias was the only one around, but we hung out and talked with him for a bit, my other friend was nearly about to faint, because she has a fangirl crush on him :)

We thanked him for an awesome show, got a couple pictures and we left, as I was leaving Jonas was walking down towards the backstage area and I stopped him and thanked him for finally coming to the states and told him how awesome it was, but by this time Moonspell had already started their set, so couldn't really hear his reply, but I shook his hand and made my way back to watch moonspells set.

They started off with a couple new songs and a one off the Antidote, then they played Opium, Alma Matter and Wolfshade, I left shortly after that because their set was nearly over by then and I had done what I came to do.

The DD guys were super cool and Katatonia as well. It was an incredible night and I can't wait till the next tour... hopefully it won't be long.
Too bad no one stopped by to say hello. I have to admit that, although i've been a Katatonia fan since the doom/death days of yore, I wasn't expecting them to be anywhere near this good live.

We arrived just as DD started their 2nd song of a way too short set. I was impressed with their stage presence and their heavy sound (great for a opening band). Talked to the bassist and singer at the merch table between sets, as my friend (female) tried to get the singer to demonstrate how to do death metal vocals. That was pretty funny. I hope they make the short trip from Raleigh again soon.

Katatonia was just fantastic. The set list posted above is largely right, but they played "My Twin" near the end as well. I was really psyched to hear "Sleeper," in which the drummer gets a chance to go off. They threw a bone to their old fans by ending the set with "Murder." As Borat might say, that was "vurrry naaaas."

I'd seen Moonspell when they opened for Opeth a while back, promoting their "comeback" album Antidote. Their new one, Memorial, made a very positive impression, so I was looking forward to seeing them, and they didn't disappoint at all. Each of the tracks they played (save "Everything Invaded") was off either the new one, Wolfheart, or Irreligious. I'm still hoarse from singing along to "Opium" and "Alma Mater."

Oh, the hell part of the venue was much cooler than expected. Here's to more shows down there - too bad about the disco though.

What the hell? Too bad I didn't see you guys there. I was the only one wearing a Diabolical Masquerade shirt, which Anders complimented. =] Got him to sign all my stuff. I thought he was gonna shit when I pulled the liner notes for the Katatonia and Bewitched demos out of my pocket. He was really cool and down to earth. When I apologized for dropping all that stuff on him to sign, he was like, 'No, that's why we're here. We drop everything for the fans.' Totally down-to-earth guy. So I got a pictures with him and all. He told me I have an 'amazing collection', which was nice, and he said that it made him proud to be part of something like this -- or something to that effect. Met everyone from the band throughout the night. Jonas was the last I met, and that was only briefly, while he was helping to load the stuff into the trailer. I yelled, 'Jonas!' and he looked up with a deer-in-the-headlights look on his face. So I just went over and shook his hand and said, 'Awesome show man,' and he was like, 'Oh, thanks man.'
Regarding the setlist... I just about freaked out when they played 'For My Demons' and 'The Future of Speech', which is my favorite song of LFDGD. Anders said that they hadn't been playing those songs on the tour, and they were trying to change up the show a bit, but they got rushed by the venue (apparently they wanted everyone finished by 10:45 -- so gay).
Also worth mentioning was the awesome performance by Daylight Dies. Very tight -- good sound, too. Egan and Ellis were behind the merchandise counter after they played. They were really cool guys. Finally got to meet Jesse after the show. It was nice to get to meet the guy from whom I've bought so many shirts, heh. Shackleford was also hanging out during Moonspell by the merch booth. Talked to him for a bit -- very nice guy.
In short, that show was one of the best experiences of my life. If Anders or anyone gets on here after the tour, thanks again for that great performance.

K, I'll stop gushing now. =P

I was pleased that somebody was chanting "FOR MY DEMONS!" out in the audience, heh. I really wanted that to be played. Well, that and criminals...probably my two favorite songs.

What I'm really curious about is how the experience was for the band. I know if you go and look at their Bio's they all referenced an American show as being the worst one they'd ever done. I hope this tour they did went well enough for them to come back. I will definitely be there that's for sure. Just wish I'd gotten to meet the band though. :(

Thanks for the set list too guys, much appreciated. Murder was the one I didn't recognize...
Wow, I was really hoping for Future of Speach, but as others have said, other cities got Teargas. Deadhouse was nice too.

Cool to see that they are changing it up a bit as the tour goes on.
Makes it nice for those seeing the show later in the tour to get some surprises.
I was pleased that somebody was chanting "FOR MY DEMONS!" out in the audience, heh.

That was me. I think it kind of embarrassed my friends because I was so loud about it. But when was the next time I was likely to see Katatonia, much less an opportunity to hear and see "For My Demons" live?

Yeah, tact went right out the window.
That was me. I think it kind of embarrassed my friends because I was so loud about it. But when was the next time I was likely to see Katatonia, much less an opportunity to hear and see "For My Demons" live?

Yeah, tact went right out the window.

Hey Derek - I certainly wasn't embarrassed! I think I even joined in a little bit :headbang:

The show really was quite amazing. I felt almost faint hearing all of these emotionally incredible songs live. Screaming out "Be still for a moment!" may have been a highlight for the night, as it's one of my favorite lines. I did feel like a silly fangirl trying to track down the band members after the show though. I stared at Jonas loading up the truck for ages but hesitated approaching him while he was working - then lost him as he went straight for the bus afterwards.

Moonspell blew me away too - I must say, the energy after watching Daylight Dies and Katatonia(!) was unbelievable for me and I went crazy.

Certainly one of the best metal nights I've been to in a while.
That was me. I think it kind of embarrassed my friends because I was so loud about it. But when was the next time I was likely to see Katatonia, much less an opportunity to hear and see "For My Demons" live?

Yeah, tact went right out the window.

I think I embarrassed my little brother a bit at the Seattle show ;P I got as excited as a school girl when they said they were playing Deadhouse. It was fucking awesome. Unfortunately, I didn't have the opportunity to meet the band. I had to leave right after Katatonia finished. Going to work with only 4 hours of sleep was bad enough. Oh well, another time maybe.