ATROX Banned in Japan for "Pornography"!!!???


May 10, 2002
imola - italy
Human Stupidity is endless...

the Japanese Customs decided to ban the new Atrox album due to "Pornographic Illegal Contents" ... it's clear that for their narrow minds having an album titled "Orgasm" means that it's full of Illegal Porno, Deviate Sex, Sodomy or whatever kind of dangerous sexual stuff... hehehe...

I know that this seems a joke, but it isn't...

we will try to explain them the whole things, will keep you updated...
I didn´t know the Japanese government had been taken over by the Taliban and Osama bin Laden was their new leader...
Michele/Xyphias said:
Most of their anime and manga books are fullfilled with paedophiles contents and instigation, so what's the point in such a hypocrite attitude? :OMG:

you're right ... it is really stupid ... :Spin: :loco: :yow:

what do they say when they are listening to a porno-grind metal band ?
Hmmm I think the worst thing in the lyrics is: "The virgin rapes in clumsy manners, claims innocence and yells at his scapecock" from "Flesh City" but I don't think it's pornographic anyway. It's a description of a city where very baaaaaad things happen and I haven't described it as something positive so these Japanse dudes better not ban it...