attempt at post rock?


Apr 5, 2011
Hey guys, I'm attempting to make a post rock album and this is the first track so far, I'm still very new to mixing and recording so if you guys have any tips that'd be awesome. It's probably going to sound really quiet because my attempt to master is pretty awful, i'm trying to get a lot of dynamic without sacrificing volume, unfortunately I'm not really sure how to do that.

Never used dropbox before, let me know if the link doesn't work... 1.mp3
Cool song. The distorted tone is awful though. The bass might be a bit too loud. Drums kind of works, they're a bit robotic but since they're not so prominent it doesn't bother me that much.
Yeah.. i know the distortion is kind of bad, how would you suggest that I get a more fuzz tone rather than a distortion?
I actually don't mind the distorted tone. If you're familiar with the post-rock genre at all, you should be used to these kinds of tones. I think it fits perfect for the type of music it is. What did you use for the guitar tones? Drums, bass, etc? I really like it! I'm a huge fan of post rock, so maybe I'm biased. :)
Thanks, i used Pod farm 2 for the guitars, ampeg for the bass, and superior drummer 2.0 for the drums.
I really like the clean guitars... what amp and typical settings did you use in pod farm? Any compression or EQ in a bus or something afterwards? I've been struggling getting a good clean tone.
For the clean guitars I used the power amp and the american classic preamp. There's an EQ on the american classic with 150hz, 300hz, 1.5k hz, and 10khz boosts.