Attempt at Wanda Portrait - Take 2

Mr Toast

Aug 1, 2002

Not looking bad, but doesn't feel quite right... I'll pull the original pic out tomorrow and rescan it (so I more detail/dpi to reference from).

I plan to finish the first Wanda portrait, but the pose is wrong for my project, hence this piece.

Comments, suggestions, etc. are of course welcome!
Wanda's head is more of an oval shape as opposed to a heart shape. I think it's the nose and mouth that don't look like authentic Wanda parts (hehe). They look very "Birdlike" in this drawing. Cool teeth there, Mr. Toast!
See what happens when you get too attached to a particular shot?


I just think that expression is waaaaay too cute and must be painted!!!

Sweet, huh? Not a word that is usually associated with myself... thanks!

I think this is somewhat close to the pic above... too bad I don't have a better shot of Wanda's expression... and I didn't have her tongue sticking out (like it is in the photo - that would just be rude!).

Originally Posted by Bruce Chickinson do you deal with the criticizm? I could never be an artist for that reason.

Did you ever do any "cubist" type pieces? I had to do a project or two for my theatre make up class and I'd be interested in seeing an abstract piece of yours

Well, the only 'art' I've done before recently has been in Freehand, working with shapes. I still can't draw decently, but Photoshop gives me a lot leeway (i.e. easy to fix mistakes).

As for criticism, well we get that all the time at work here (constructive of course), so I've learned to not to be emotional about my artwork. Besides, I'm learning as I go along, and will take all the advice I can get!
To some extent, Toast, the photo you're basing the idea of off is just about as Wanda as ever when she's playing live, and the tongue is usually somewhat there. There's just something really so natural about it that, yeah, "cute" is really what you've gotta narrow it down to. The concentration on the bass playing is totally there but there's just something else I can't quite describe that adds a sort of an overall attitude to it. I'd better shut up before she gets all self-conscious over it! Ya look great, Wanda - don't let it get to you. But cool work, Toast. I wish I had more time to do portriats like I used to. I used to stay up all night doing them on posterboard.

Cool fun shot of JoJo in that photo, too.

And Jen, even from what little I know of you, I would think you the type of personality to take criticism quite well. I've always found art hard to criticize anyway because it's so personal and self-expressive. Besides, what's Toast got to worry about? We all know he kicks ass all-around. As a musician or vocalist however, if you suck, it shows! Luckily with a voice like yours there's nothing to worry about.
Originally posted by Bruce Chickinson
Well I used to be a graphic artist and after like the 16th change on a logo or production piece you want to strangle someone and go work for Jamba Juice.

Oh, that. Yeah, we have those moments here. Especially on Monday (a particular weekly paper comes in, done by this lady editor/crisis child from the dark corners of Tennessee - and she proceeds to drive us crazy... and that whiny voice! EEEEEK!

Thanks for the compliments/suggestions! And nice pic there Alan!