ATTENTION: "old" links are not working after they updated their site


God of Thunder
Apr 1, 2005
near KC
As you may know, I post a ton of threads/updates in this forum using information from the Brave Words website. They recently upgraded their whole website to a WordPress model, and basically broke all of their old website's links. So, 99% of my threads/posts will have the old links that then forward you to an ugly "404 - link not found" screen, like this:


This isn't very metal.

The page you were looking for couldn't be found.

We have updated to a brand new backend, using Wordpress. We are in the process of still importing all old content… yes we have everything from the old site.

We’re sorry, but we can’t find the page you were looking for. It’s probably some thing we’ve done wrong but now we know about it and we’ll try to fix it. In the meantime, try one of these options:

Search for your content below:

Based on the text I copied above from their latest version of the "... 404..." message, they are aware of the issue and are "in the process of still importing all old content." My experience so far is that many of the old threads and content ARE still out there, but have completely different links and text. One would hope that they would have used all the same links from their old site, but that doesn't seem to be the case (yet).

I have started to try to update more recent threads and updates to use the newer links (if I can find them on the new site), but that's a huge, daunting task.

Please don't abandon this forum because a bunch of content is not available right now. Hopefully they get their stuff together and I won't have to try to replace all the old links with new ones.
The new Bravewords site it woeful. Averasge layout, ads linked as articles.
Wordpress is general woeful in the hands of amuetuers.
It's an easy enough fix to redirect the links but I don't think they know what they are doing.
It's a pity really because Bravewords often had better news than Blabbermouth, but they also didn't have that ridiculous comments section full or morons and spam bots.
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The new Bravewords site it woeful. Averasge layout, ads linked as articles.
Wordpress is general woeful in the hands of amuetuers.
It's an easy enough fix to redirect the links but I don't think they know what they are doing.
It's a pity really because Bravewords often had better news than Blabbermouth, but they also didn't have that ridiculous comments section full or morons and spam bots.

I would imagine this is a much more palatable version for mobile users, which rules the world now more than the desktop browser experience. I completely agree that the old site was so easy for me to use, and as you mention, hardly anyone would/could comment on the BW site entries. I avoid Blabbermouth if I can, not only due to the commentary but their snarky writing style and commentary within articles is so immature/unwelcome to me most times.

As with all website redesigns, it will be painful for awhile until "old school" dinosaurs such as myself get used to the tips/tricks to manage it. I am no web designer, that's for sure, but I do work in IT for a fairly large bank, and would basically be crucified if I allowed this kind of rollout in "production" with these issues.
Adapting to change is almost always annoying when it comes to something you use everyday. Even the recent changes here have been a little annoying to get used to but they weren't difficult.

I do notice today on Bravewords that there was no ads posing as articles on the first page, that's either a good start or just a coincidence, I'm hoping for the first one. I know more than enough about web design to know that there are better options than going to Wordpress. Sure Wordpress automates a lot of things from layouts to ad campaigns to making sites adaptive between users, but there are easier ways to do things.

Redirection of links sometimes takes up to 24 hours to happen so I'd like to think they had a little over sight and then put things in motion and in time the links will come back. But sadly I've seen too many Wordpress sites crash due to bad add ons.

So far it looks like the Bravewords comment section doesn't even require any sort of log in or credential look up. Looks to just accept random comments that are passed through a Wordpress approved spam checker. If that's the case it might be lucky Bravewords is not a hugely popular site because it kind of creates a free for all of crap and spam bots.
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