
Sinister Sound
Mar 8, 2013
I am looking for a guitarist to write songs alongside me, I know this may not appeal to many people but I want to write some generic AA/CTC style music and possibly get a band going, I am looking for someone really serious about writing/recording/releasing music

If you are interested feel free to reply below or message me on here :)
I am looking for a guitarist to write songs alongside me, I know this may not appeal to many people but I want to write some generic AA/CTC style music and possibly get a band going, I am looking for someone really serious about writing/recording/releasing music

If you are interested feel free to reply below or message me on here :)

Well if i was a bit better at playing guitar i'd say yes , but i can do vocals. mainly screams , but i can sing also. dunno if you're looking for one yet , just thought i'd put it out there