Attention Iced Earth Fans

Strange...I still don't like it that much.
I didn't like the modern day IE with Rip on the last album.
And this EP with Matt...well..I think it's great Matt's back. But I don't hear the originality and great stuff of the old days in the songs.
It's just my opinion, but IE sounds less original and more like old school stuff.
Never guess I would say this but: 'Matt quit IE and get the hell back to Pyramaze!'
Sounds nice. But still...

Where's the power?
Where's the extreme propelling force, the transcension of the spirit and body we saw on the previous albums? I hope the others will have at least a considerable part of that spark.
:OMG: Wow! that was killer!
I never realy botherd me at the Ripper but who can't chose between Matt and Ripper! Matt dead-on.

I Walk Alone was brutal, Matt's voice just dropped and went killer, the lyrics where awsome and I kinda like but dislike the new IE, the slower Iced is awsome it gives this more depth and operatic style into it but then again where are the brutal riffs that makes Jon's IE awsome and where Matt can go high pitching!

thank god that IE made enough CD's to remember the good old days and go on with the awsome future!
Just listened to the new song(s) and I totally agree with Zod:

I'm a total Iced Earth fan boy, but the Pyramaze samples blow these tracks away.

Matt is great with Iced Earth and if I would not know Pyramaze they again would be my number-one-band... BUT: now I know PYRAMAZE and they still would rule if Lance was the singer, just because in Pyramaze every musician is outstanding! Any solo by Toke is much more amazing than the solo in Setian Massacre for example. The whole atmosphere that is created by Pyramaze's music is so unbelievably great! And with Matt on vocals they are the best heavy metal band that will ever exist! Period! :)

Goddamit I wish Matt would do both bands.

Same here! Though if I had to chose just one band I certainly would prefer PYRAMAZE! :headbang:
Personally, I like this new, groovy sound of Iced Earth. I mean, they've always had songs like this post-Burnt Offerings. I think "I Walk Alone" would fit on The Dark Saga. There's only so many times Schaffer can use the *chugga chugga chugga 5-4...change keys* riff.

That being said, the Pyramaze stuff is definitely more intricate. I think they both rule and am eagerly awaiting any new Barlow-sung music.
"I Walk Alone" sounds decent although I hope the new album will have a good bit of faster paced songs as well. "Setian Massacre" sounds better with Barlow; however, I am one of those rare people who actually kind of like the "Framing Armegeddon" album and didn't mind Owen's vocals too much. Haven't gotten to "The Clouding" yet but since that song was one of the high moments for me on the album I will probably like it quite a bit more with Matt singing it.
OK so Matt Barlow is back, but this new song is still really boring. :( There are already far too many songs on these "Something Wicked" albums using the same melodies for both vocals & guitar... ffs Jon write some riffs!

^ I agree with the above poster though BTW, Framing Armageddon is a great track.
I hope we can assume that this track is one of the slower songs on the album, but other than that it rocks, Barlow is the man no matter what. It has a kind of chugging umph to it I really dig. The recordings are good but Ripper did them just fine.
The new song I Walk Alone sounds good, and that's mostly due to Matt's work, since the music is not that exciting to be honest. Jon is an admirable songwriter, and he's capable of so much more than that. But I guess that the song, taken in the context of the album, will work much better than as a stand alone song. (Just like Ten thousand strong)

Framing armageddon works very well as a whole, but there are very few songs that I would consider to be really outstanding. The clouding was really the song where the voice of Matt was the most needed. This new version is awesome. Tim's voice didn't work very well with this kind of slow acoustic tune, it just lacked feeling and emotion. Matt's voice is so smooth, warm and intimate it is amazing and takes the song to a whole other level. Even the second part is better than the original, much more brutal.
Setian massacre sounds just as good as the original.

But I would say that none of this songs gave me the same goosebumps that Caramon's poem gave me when I listened to the song for the first time :)
Can't wait for Immortal!!:headbang:
I dunno, I think Ripper suits Schaffer's current vision of the band much better than Barlow. Maybe the rest of the new album will be better than the one new track we got, but I can't say I'd want to hear a Barlow re-recording of FA or anything. Barlow was just singing along to Ripper's part, while when Ripper re-recorded the Something Wicked trilogy, he took the vocals, started from scratch, and made them his own.

Maybe the new album will be better than I expect it to be, we'll see.