Attention JayKeeley and Everyone Else...

Damn, haven't read Digital Metal in ages...that same author stole the joke from NAD's CanniBEEP Corpse review for his review of the new Blind Guardian! But I like this analogy from a review of the new Into Eternity:

Songs like "Severe Emotional Distress" and "Out" are like an abusive relationship. First the band punches you in the gut, then they hug you and leave you all fuzzy-feeling, then when you turn your back, you catch a frying pan upside the head.
Doomcifer said:
How did *I* get "served?"
well *it* was *on* and you failed to *bring the game*, pretty much a classic serving really
keep to your bed and drink plenty of fluids and you should be good as new in a week or so...don't sweat it, happens to the best of us
cthulufhtagn said:
well *it* was *on* and you failed to *bring the game*, pretty much a classic serving really
keep to your bed and drink plenty of fluids and you should be good as new in a week or so...don't sweat it, happens to the best of us

^ That post is filled with truthiness, Sniffer of Doom. :o
well *it* was *on* and you failed to *bring the game*

cthulufhtagn said:
well *it* was *on* and you failed to *bring the game*, pretty much a classic serving really
keep to your bed and drink plenty of fluids and you should be good as new in a week or so...don't sweat it, happens to the best of us

Yeah, but the CD is actually *off da hook* It gets me all *gassed up* and want to *murk* a nigga.

Seriously, that review is one of the worst I have ever read.