Attic Studios Project


Ominous Bloodvomit
May 20, 2006
Belgrade, Serbia
Hello my fellow methul maddafakkas.

As some of you know I've become an audio engineer recently and have built a studio with a friend of mine in Belgrade. The studio was completely designed and built by our own hands.

We found that the best way to promote our Attic Studio was to make 2 monthly video episodes that feature artists from Serbia performing Live in our studio called Attic Sessions.

This was our last episode featuring a surf rock band called Threesome:

This is our page on facebook for those of you willing to follow us and support us:

Three major metal bands from Serbia will be recording and mixing their songs in January, so expect some serious metal to come out in February :kickass:




There will be pictures of the whole studio soon. We got 95% of the gear from the stores, when the custom made summing mixer arrives we'll make a Facebook page with all the info!

But Vikk I'll send you some pictures and gear list as a personal message ;)
Nice man, congrats I'm glad you're doing well with the studio and audio stuff. I knew you were going to school and all that a long time ago but this is the first I'm hearing that you even built a studio now. I expect you should do well at it!:)

I'll look forward to hearing about some of the metal coming out of there. How about yourself you still dabbling in making music or are you sticking to the production side of the fence lately?
I haven't stopped growling, I do it at least once a week, its pretty easy for me to get back to it once I found the technique that suits me. Draconic actually invited me as a guest vocalist in one of their songs which makes me very fucking happy.

The main problem here is people either don't have or don't want to pay you the money you deserve. People here don't take this jerb seriously enough, same goes for most of the "audio engineers". So if I keep evolving I think with our gear and acoustics I'll be quite successful in a few years if not sooner.
awesome stuff Scav, i'm jealous. After 3 years of looking, last year i was offer my dream job, a internship on the best studio in town. But i had to turn it down, because i needed a job to pay the bills and not have to live in a slum getting shot everyday. Now i'm going to get myself a desk job with a fancy suit and try not to kill myself everyday, untill i have the money to build myself my own studio.
Really sorry about that man. I was an internship once too, didn't get any money from it, but lots of basic knowledge and contacts. I hope you get a chance to work in a studio like that again or even better make your own studio. But if you're going to buy gear it's best to buy a really good piece of gear one at time, slowly build up your arsenal. There are loads of good recordings on the web for mixing training, with decent monitors and good headphones you can go a long way. Once you reach a good level maybe you should find a partner or something.
A little methul preview for you guys.

Fresh recorded drums with demo gtr and no bass.

As the place for the coolest online metal heads I know, I'd like to share this work in progress I've recorded, mixed and featured in as a vocalist.


What do you guys think?
No, just the low ones, I still need to record the "outro" part so it's a combination of me and the other guy.

What do you think of the recording and production?

It's my first time recording a metal band :) I've recently started recording another one, it should sound much better.
Sounds pretty good so far, especially being your first Metal recording. Nice balance in the mix. I'm not a real fan of the main vocalist but you parts sounded awesome:)
listening this on a non-pro headphones but still sounds great. Like Caleb said, well balanced and things sounded clear
I want to reply but I already expressed my feelings on this song and its rather nice mixing job before:). Still, I'm happy you are doing well with the studio Marko, here is to many more projects! :headbang::kickass: