Attick Demons - Atlantis (2011)


New Metal Member
Definitely the best Portuguese HM band I've heard. OK, but to be honest I don't know a lot of Portuguese bands besides Moonspell, he-he..
Attick Demons have a great vocalist who most of the time sounds like a Dickinson-clone. He's probably together with EX Fates Prophecy singer Sergio Faga, the man on earth who sounds the most like Bruce Dickinson (besides the man himself of course). On the slower songs, 'Meeting The Queens' for instance, he also sound a little like Tobias Sammet (Edguy, Avantasia).
'Atlantis' is definitely Maiden worship!! If you enjoyed what 'IM' did in the eighties and if you enjoy pure heavy metal with strong vox, please check out these Portuguese metallers.

I just uploaded a teaser from 'Atlantis' which I put together for fun. It can be watched from here:


1. Back In Time
2. Atlantis
3. City Of Golden Gates
4. The Flame Of Eternal Knowledge
5. Riding The Storm
6. Sacrifice
7. Meeting The Queen
8. In Memoriam
9. Listen To The Fool
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