@Attn Bambi

Fuckin vampire's Oh my fuckin god, what the fuck is going on in ppl's heads when they put themselves on these sites, do they think they are special , to me they look like girls who need to get out more and see the real world, not pretend they are some kind of creature of the fuckin night..

sorry for all my naughty words but titheads like that just annoy me, its not big and its not clever arrrgghhh :yell: freaks of fuckin nature. There thats all i had to say :)
And if you are a vampire, what happens if one day u dont have time to do make up and stuff, you are going undercover or is your normal alter ego.
Cause lets be realistic how long they take to look like that, i supose they dont work in early shift.

Live is cruel, they must be out of job.
Susie said:
Fuckin vampire's Oh my fuckin god, what the fuck is going on in ppl's heads when they put themselves on these sites, do they think they are special , to me they look like girls who need to get out more and see the real world, not pretend they are some kind of creature of the fuckin night..

sorry for all my naughty words but titheads like that just annoy me, its not big and its not clever arrrgghhh :yell: freaks of fuckin nature. There thats all i had to say :)

damn right! narcissisissisiticalistic fucking drama whores i say!
too right. Vampire fuck that you work on the Deli in Asda in rochdale highlight of our week is the eastenders omnibus on a sunday and a packet of rolos.

fucking tits.
mehdis just bitter

bender the offender said:
hahahaha Hey susie got rabies? ahh yes, i didnt notice she got a club, what is this called?
didnt you notice? he is lovin it and so am i :tickled: ah as if i am to take him serious i know what he's like,so it funny :grin: heheee