ATTN: BWD (drunk yet?)


Apr 24, 2003
Toronto, Canada
if you're still coherent, I just wanted to know if you still want that Swan Road vinyl? I've got a couple of other guys interested if you don't, so i just wanted to figure out who's payin me!

Fuckers wont let me send it as an oversized letter, so shipping's a bit more than I charged Keeley. Total would be $20.00 USD, according to and my roundings/calculations.
I didn't want to start a new thread just to show this, so here it is:

Erik said:
Haha I don't have a single "mutilation", and I have your death metal comps ripped :(

Yeah, I figured you'd be put off by too cheesy/extreme song titles, so I tried to pick songs with pretty "neutral" titles. I used all the psychological tricks known to man in order to get you into the more brutal parts of DM, but failed miserably.
:lol: I don't care if the song is called Excreting Fermented Vaginal Discharge if it's good, I'll likely :rolleyes: a bit but...

Oh, and songtitles like "Bathe in Entrails" and... Well, that's pretty much the worst there is I guess
Erik said:
Oh, and songtitles like "Bathe in Entrails" and... Well, that's pretty much the worst there is I guess

Heh. True, it's indeed a terribly cheesy title. But that song has that killer old-skool feel to it, so I just had to add it to the comp.

:rock: @ the fact that you're listening to Liturgy. You probably hate them, considering it's pretty much mindless noise, but still.
Erik said:
I have a sort of morbid fascination with those vocals

Haha. Ditto, to be honest. So deep, so guttural. The best part about the song is the slightly more melodic riff that kicks in around 1:00, and of course the surprisingly epic parts with the "aaaaah"-ing. Bliss.