Attn: David Caswell & Other Musicians - My Vocal/Music Portfolio (6:40 MP3)


One Man Musical Force
Nov 18, 2001
Ontario, Canada
Visit site
To any and all who are interested in having a listen, I have encoded a 128kbps MP3 (for bandwidth's sake) approx. 6:40 worth of clips which should show off a significant degree of my vocal range, both heavy and clean. Also, any accompanying music you hear is usually composed and performed by me. If you're interested in what you hear and/or possibly collaborating, feel free to contact me via:

AOL IM: MinstrelOfMetal
ICQ: 9364547
or through the Private Messaging system here.

Here is a rundown of the contents:

1. Mistral - Hollow Dreams
(2001 - unfinished demo)

2. Collaboration with Royal Anguish
(2002 - unfinished, due for release on a compilation this autumn)

3. Demo for Royal Anguish "Homeland"

4. Mistral - World In Me (Mid-Production)
(War Within - 2002)

5. Mistral - World In Me (Chorus, Mid-Production)

6. Mistral - Forging The Universe (Mid-Production)
(War Within, 2002)

7. Mistral - Threatened
(A Tribute To Living Sacrifice, 2001, ClenchedFist Records)

8. Mistral - Threatened (2)

9. Mistral - Legend (Mid-Production)
(War Within, 2002)

10. Ill Omen Nation - The Summit Of Existence
(Industrialization of The World, 2000, BloodTreaty Records)

11. Sapientia - Fleeting Feelings
(Sorrow Astray, 1999,

12. Sapientia - The Foretold End
(Sorrow Astray, 1999.

reviews by other listeners are also fine by me.
downloading now.

Im busy with other things for a while now so i wont be taking on any other collaborations for quite a while (wont even consider doing much with my solo project till after the Unthroned album is recorded, probably be the start of next year when ill have time again), but like i said ill definitely keep you in mind. And ill reply here again and tell you what i think anyway.
I'm working on finishing my current album as well. no point waiting till the last minute though. it is rare to find people worth working with so I decided to take the opportunity to bring it up here now.
It'll be a while before I even think about vocals, the guitars are giving me enough grief already. But I will definitely check this out sometime. I'm just about to download your song for the review thread as well.
Your certainly a very skilled singer, this demo shows your versatility as well, however your talents are moreso in the area of death vocals as ive said before and my preference for my solo work is towards mostly clean singing. Shall keep you in mind for collaboration purposes in future however. :)
I agree that not everything I have worked on in the past and even the present is original, that's a difficult thing to be.. when all any style is, is a mix of other styles. you really have to form your own combination of instruments and whatnot unless you're a guitar god, which I'm not.. I think I am versatile and know how to write a good solid song, as long as I keep doing that, I'll be happy. thanks for the comments