Attn: Eczema sufferers


The Dreaming Mind
Mar 14, 2004
If you're having issues with your skin right now, try using freshly pressed extra virgin olive oil. It has to be fresh, not stale...if you can buy it from a local orchard, do it!! It's working wonders for my hands. I remember talking to several of you, and it seems like we're all in the same boat: our skin sucks and nothing helps.

Fuck big pharma corporations, nothing I've bought from them works

...I <3 Nevermore!
I've tried it on my psoriasis. It didn't really help :(

But I'm glad it's working on your eczema, Lesa!

I'm still just trying to bake my psoriasis away with the sun and my tanning canopy. The big spots are mostly healed, but I've still got a bunch of tiny spots, the size of goosebumps, that are being stubborn.