Attn: Erik

I figure he's at NESEBLOD RECORDS buying all the LPs he drooled over last night :p

Edit: I live 45 minutes from Oslo (that's where the gig is), and there are still tickets left. STILL I WONT GO BECAUSE MAIDEN IS SHITE HAHAHAHA :loco:
Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!!! :kickass:

I just got home from the show!!! :kickass:

Oh my fucking god!! Murders in the Rue Morgue! Phantom of the Opera!!!!! Running Free! The Trooper! Run to the FUCKING Hills! Hallowed be Thy Fucking Name!!! :kickass: My ears are fucking ringing!

OH MY GOD! Best Maiden show EVER!!!

And Dickinson seemed to be a little displeased with the outcome of that football match, and said something of bringing Beckham or some other fag to woop our collective asses! :lol:

And our ticket service make a couple of hundred tickets available right before the concert to fight the black market (where I got my ticket).

Oh, and Henrik, you should stick to those girly punk bands, as you obviously don't have the balls nor spine to handle HEAVY METAL!!! :loco:
Erik, you giant wimp, did you not buy anything at Neseblod or Sound Of Noise? My guess is that Neseblod either was closed or impossible to find, and that SoN was too expensive amiriteamirite?

Crimson Velvet said:
Oh, and Henrik, you should stick to those girly punk bands, as you obviously don't have the balls nor spine to handle HEAVY METAL!!!

I'm glad to see that you still live up to the stereotype metalhead cliché, Mats :loco: . Also, check out my Audioscrobbler stats - lots of heavy, brutal shit there alongside all the "girly" punk (that's actually more in-your-face and intense than the RADIO FRIENDLY, SING-A-LONG-FRIENDLY STADIUM ROCK BAND that is Iron Maiden :loco: )
Henrik Main said:
I'm glad to see that you still live up to the stereotype metalhead cliché, Mats :loco:

Haha, that's me! :tickled:

Seriously, I don't mind your punk bands, Henrik. I just reserve the right to use your lousy taste against you when you mock my favorite bands! :lol:
Neseblod was impossible to find within our time frame and I bought a Burzum shirt at SoN but it was impossible to buy any records there because of the retarded Norwegian price levels
Erik said:
Neseblod was impossible to find within our time frame and I bought a Burzum shirt at SoN but it was impossible to buy any records there because of the retarded Norwegian price levels

You should've let me known you wanted to stop by, and I could've at least given you some pretty damn good directions. If I had the time, I could've shown you the way...
I gave him a pretty decent map, but I guess it wasn't that good after all when thinking of it :p

@lizard: About 6-7 dollars, I would presume. Keep in mind that the average Norwegian income is a bit higher than the average Swedish.
lizard said:
so you're saying you're map is about as accurate as that exam info you provided :loco:

*Your, and no, I gave him a pretty correct map - it may have been a bit too detailed and clumsily made, though, but correct 'twas. The dude I talked to who provided the exam info is known as a "science expert" on a forum I visit rather often, and I think the reason it was (allegedly) wrong is due to language misunderstandings. :dopey: