Attn: Frost Giant

for some reason they only deliver the mail like every 2 days now at my office if that (they fired a mail guy) so i didnt get it yet =[
I got it on tuesday but haven't hada chance to listen to it... damn exams... I'll write a review and/or feedback by monday :)
thanks for the CD again. I owe you one.
OK, I gave it a listen!

The thing that impressed me the most was the vocals. I think you have a great voice and I like the way they're recorded. I think in a lot of "vanity" recordings (using the word just to describe an artist doing every single aspect of the album themselves, not negatively) the artist seems to want to show off their songs or guitar playing and can't quite sing, but this definitely wasn't the case with you. And the other aspects of the album were nicely capable, as well.

I would like to hear your creative output intersected with some others'--have you thought about forming a band? Or is the confessional, personal aspect the thing that attracts you to songwriting?