ATTN Guys - New Color Coded Warning System

and in further gender news:

Male Flies and Male Monkeys Are Just Dogs
In articles in recent issues of Current Biology, researchers separately studying the dance fly and the rhesus macaque monkey concluded that males will be males. The male dance fly was found by a team from the University of Western Australia to sometimes present a female with worthless tokens for the opportunity to mate with her, but by the time she discovered their worth, he had already hit and run. A team from Duke University found that the male monkey will forgo his own rewards (juice) in exchange for being permitted to view pictures of female monkeys' bottoms. [Discovery-Animal Planet, 1-11-05] [, 1-28-05]
A team from Duke University found that the male monkey will forgo his own rewards (juice) in exchange for being permitted to view pictures of female monkeys' bottoms.
I'll bet some on that team showed the monkey male monkey porn too, in order to trick them. Then when the monkey found out but didn't get his juice, the trickster team members laughed, saying "you got Duked, stupid monkey!" It was all caught on film, and the team lost their grant and eventually dropped out of college. Now who's the stupid monkey?