I've sent msgs to the Wexner Ctr for the performing arts (where GYBE played a couple of years ago), and msged Columbus' alternative papers music people.
I've gotten only one msg back from the Wex
Dear Richard,
I will check with our Director, Charles Helm to see if this is a
possibility. A lot of our season is already in place. Thanks for you
interest in our programs.
Mychaelyn Michalec
Program Assistant
Performing Arts
perhaps...I got a line on some dude who is putting together some shows at this vegan sort of bar with a stage, Dragonfly/Neo http://www.dragonflyneov.com/
but he hasn't answered back yet...
I know I should be more of a cigar chomping proactive bulldog.
I sent an email to the same person. Told her about the band, the tour in November, and provided reviews of Choirs of the Eye. Here's the response...
Thank you for your interest in our programs. I will pass this information on to the Director of Performing Arts, Charles Helm, who does all the programming. Selection of bands is a curatorial process as well as the availability of the artist and their tour schedule. If all of these elements come together it may be a possibility. Thank you forthe information.
Ms. Mychaelyn Michalec Program Assistant Performing Arts
I addressed the initial email to Mr. Michalec. What was I thinking?