attn Lizard/Ohio


Nov 9, 2001
hey, know any good galleries/cafés that might be interested in having a toby solo show in early february? i need to book a few gigs on the way out to Ontario... preferably quiet venues that won't charge me a space rental fee. any suggestions?

I checked that list I found and Brian Straw seems to be the guy to contact for help with booking "folk, avant-garde, improv, and experimental rock" shows in Cleveland.
really? that's weird! i guess I should write them again?
as of now there's no news - caleb is trying to get something to happen with the constellation guys but to be honest i think that record store you mentioned would be perfect. Most other places seem to charge a space rental fee. I think I have more news in a few days, but as far as the record store how much notice do we need to give them/how would I go about setting something up?
Honestly, I have no idea. I would run it by them and see what they think, I have no idea how they book these things. They had stopped doing shows there but they started again in the fall and did only two shows since. I am sure they would be open to things happening there though. Didn't I gave you their phone number? I think that would be the best way to go, phone them and ask for the manager (I think he is called Michel, but I am not sure).

L'Oblique, 514-499-1323

If you have any troubles, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
xfer said:
bill it as "T...T...Toby D...D...Driver"

If he wants more attention, he better bill it as "Toby Driver, you've been down too long in the midnight sea, oh, what's becoming of me". That is if he wants a bunch of hairy brothers flocking from all places, hoping to get laid.
If you'd like to come as far down as Texas, I'll work my best to search Austin and Houston pretty thoroughly for a proper venue. Both cities have quite a few art galleries/book stores/record stores that are very unique for this sort of performance. There is a book store in Austin in particular that would be really surreal to play at I think, but I'm not sure if they have shoes there that often.

anywho, TEXAs?! circle yes or no