attn: mia, toby, any other ocean creature people


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
they are selling a new animal in Chinatown as a food item, and I'm not quite sure what it is.

it looks like a flattish lobster tail, a bit longer, and instead of a lobster body/head it seems to just end, and have a chitinous plate where the "head" should be, with two dark spots that might be fake eyes or real light-sensing patches. I don't think it has big claws or anything, and it seems to have legs on its underside. in other words, it looks like a cross between a gigantic shrimp and a small, flat lobster.

vas is?
maybe a mantis shrimp?


looks kind of like that.
How big are we talking about? Because I ate shrimps that were almost a foot long. Something like 3-4 inches long? how wide?

I know I have had a Chilean shrimp-lobster-ich cross that was red and purple while uncooked that just blew my mind in terms of taste. I wish I could remember its name.
at least 8 inches long and 3 inches wide.

these things were not colourful at all--drab grey/brown. similar in color to the mantis shrimp I posted above (although Google images for mantis shrimps are mostly very colourful).
are those amazing white clawless lobsters of josh seipp posting fame a variety of slipper lobster?

good guess but they look more like the thing I posted and less like the thing you did--not as sturdy/blocky.

I went back today to maybe take a cellphone pic and all three fish markets near my school had NONE!
Like mass of unmutated tissue you have to constantly fight in different forms in Resident Evil II? And that this is just one of its protrusions?