ATTN Mia: Work Proposal

I have a friend who is an editor for a Caribbean tourism's his post from our college board:

"I have a client who has contracted to publish a Japanese dive book in English and I'm looking for a freelance translator for the project. Thought you might know someone?"

so the question(s) would be, is this a project you would have time for, feel qualified to do, or be interested in?
okay here's more info

This is a contractual job for a client who has bought the rights to translate and publish a coffee table book dealing with Japanese AMA divers.

Ama, traditional female divers

Ever heard of Amas, traditional female divers? They are gathering shellfish, pearls and other deep water things, without diving gear, not even mask or goggles. Amas have practiced special breath- hold technique which allows them to hold breath for up to five minutes. Someone said that this technique is based on hyperventilation before diving. They sometimes dive down to 10 metres deep, and always come back to surface looking just good. They put their catch to small wooden baskets floating on water surface, soon going back down again. They say that diving is not really hard, some divers are over 70 years old!​

The gathering season lasts from March to early December. One known place to see ama is Toba city, located near bay of Ise, southeast or east from Osaka.​

It's rather peculiar skill they have, also, it's really hard to get information about them. In addition that nobody really seems to know when they have learned this skill, there are only few books which descibe their unique profession. There are some records made by Chinese observers that say that Ama has been existed in third century. They are know to harvest seafood for Japanese emperors during that time.

However, there is a tale which tells about young Ama, called Kiyomi. She was discrace for her family, who were all amas, since she was afraid of deep water. Worried of her future, once she was able to learn diving by love of sea turtle.

i have a whole bunch of american flyers in my drawer advertising a show with KAYO DOT and TRISTAN DE CUNHA and MINIWATT and CAPTAIN HADDOCK if anybody wants them.

also, loons.
yeah, sure!
i'm interested. it's MUCH easier to translate from japanese to english than english to japanese, which is a COMPLETE nightmare.

who do i get in touch with, etc.?
M, expect an email from Brian Walker....he sez:

Hey thanks! I'm going to talk with the publisher today and get some further

guidelines on pricing, schedule, etc. and I'll contact her. I appreciate

your help. Cheers.


On Tue, 06 Jan 2004 09:14:26 -0500, Burr, Richard (CSO-C)

<Richard.Burr@*********.mil> wrote:

> Email Alex Xfer at

Richard Burr
> Computer Assistant