attn: people who know stuff


Aug 2, 2002
Visit site
does anyone have a good webhosting site ? i want to do a webpage and i have recently acquired about 10 books on design and html, but i need help finding a cheap/decent place to host. and i gotta also think of a domain name. but i'll wing that.
i am really stupid so excuse my additionally stupid questions:

1. do you have to keep paying for a domain name, or is it a one time thing?

2. someone recommended does that place suck?

3. i need a fairly reliable host b/c i am going to set up a site for my dad's business and it will be hosting tons of images of his blueprints and also his finished work/art.
1. so far it has been a one time thing but i am not sure if i have to renew it every year.

2. i have never heard of that place so i can't comment.

3. AIT has been extremely reliable so far. they have only gone down once i think. granted i don't have a high traffic website so no has experienced problems downloading the stuff i put up there but so far so good.
ok cool. i dont think my dad's site would be high traffic either i will just need a lot of space for text and huge CAT files for his architectural stuff, and also pics of his awesome work.
I have 3 sites hosted with They are good and when problems happen, they are super responsive. (problems rarely happen and most of the issues that i've dealt with probably wouldn't bother you anyways)
Domain names are usually bought initally for 2 years, you can buy for longer if you want. Registrars will usually charge you less for a longer period. Depending on the type of business you want to do there you take it for longer. The only thing is that you have to be on top of your renewal because you don't want some bozo taking your domain because you forgot to renew (I know, it happened to me), the bozo will then try to sell you your domain name back for a large sum...