attn: screwdriverqueen



did toby ever mention to you my idea for a new style of cooking? where, instead of using a food processor, you make ground vegetables (carrots, etc) and breads by chewing them and spitting them into the frying pan, thus incorporating your saliva into the dish? i wonder if i could do something similar with these.
well, you know, that's a coincidence, because i've always thought of the human digestive system as a sort of oven/microwave!

because if you notice, sometimes you will eat a large quantity of food, like beef jerky, and then vomit/burp up this not-yet-fully-digested food (chunks.) the pieces will still be fully intact, but covered with a warm slime.

not only is the slime warm, but the food chunk itself is warm! therefore, your stomach = mini oven. granted, you can only get your food lukewarm, but some people can't handle steaming hot foods, (*cough* toby *cough*) and love lukewarm food.

i've always wondered that if you swallow, say a chicken, whole, then regurgitate it, will it come up all cooked? (ignore the salmonella.)

would you FEED it to people? (people who like lukewarm foods, of course.)
well, see, i would cook the food after i spat it out, so it wouldn't be really gross. you would probably never know it that that vindaloo was made with mouth-crushed onion paste. but my DNA would insinuate itself into your system.

i don't think your stomach could cook stuff, but i bet it could pickle it.
hmmm i believe the japanese semi-beat you (and me! i guess? does it count as defeat if i'm also japanese?)

on some small island in japan, they apparently put a flock of cranes on a fancy, antique boat. the cranes are all wearing collars around their necks with leashes attached to them. men dressed in expensive kimonos then throw a certain type of fish only found in a certain river in japan onto the deck of the boat, where the cranes all slurp/eat the little fishes up. (with a huge audience watching! you can pay to get on the boat and watch this whole event/ceremony!)

anyway, after some time, the men then JERK the leashes really hard, causing the cranes to VOMIT up these fish bits onto the deck.

anyway, this crane puke, comprised of fish bits is collected and put into jars, canned, etc. and it's one of the most expensive and rare delicacies in japan that you can ever eat. (i suppose, sort of like caviar or truffle mushrooms, but even rarer! fancy schmancy food.)

i'm not even shitting you: my uncle told me this story, with actual tears in his eyes - he said that the whole sight/ritual is so beautiful and then he talked about how delicious and creamy the crane vomit was. :-/

i wasn't sure how to react at first, but after a while...well maybe something is wrong with me, but that's sort of awesome?
screwdriverqueen said:
i've always wondered that if you swallow, say a chicken, whole, then regurgitate it, will it come up all cooked? (ignore the salmonella.)

would you FEED it to people? (people who like lukewarm foods, of course.)
i.e. or e.g.

i'm so bummed.

after doing some research on this, it turns out this is just a fishing tactic, and it's nowhere as gross as i thought it would be:

"The fire at the bow of the boat is to attract the ayu (type of fish). The trained u (cormorant) are then release into the water on leases. About 10 birds were used. The birds dive down and catch the fish in their beaks. Since they are fitted with rings around their necks they are unable to swallow the fish. The fisherman reels in the bird, retrieves the fish from its throat, then sends it back out."

