Greg B. fuck "M." Apr 15, 2004 604 0 16 Apr 15, 2004 #1 Dear Friends, Hello my future Internet chums. My name is Greg. To avoid confusion with the oft-loved oft-respected Mr. Massi, just refer to me as snugglypants McGee in all attn:-esque threads. Sincerely, Greg B.
Dear Friends, Hello my future Internet chums. My name is Greg. To avoid confusion with the oft-loved oft-respected Mr. Massi, just refer to me as snugglypants McGee in all attn:-esque threads. Sincerely, Greg B.
lizard Member Jun 5, 2002 23,325 31 48 Hotel Hitler ~ Where We Have Ways of Making You En Apr 15, 2004 #2 duly noted, mr. snugglypants mcgee.
Greg B. fuck "M." Apr 15, 2004 604 0 16 Apr 15, 2004 #3 A shower of thanks upon thee Mr. Lizard. That is a charming infant in your avatar! Sincerely, Greg B.
A shower of thanks upon thee Mr. Lizard. That is a charming infant in your avatar! Sincerely, Greg B.
xfer I JERK OFF TO ARCTOPUS Nov 8, 2001 25,932 13 38 47 New York City Apr 15, 2004 #4 what's up mcgee. you need an avatar pronto.
mindspell vvv Jake's ass vvv Jul 6, 2002 3,641 3 38 Montreal Apr 15, 2004 #5 Not another one of those...
goatschool Member Sep 12, 2002 6,729 5 38 Apr 15, 2004 #6 i am more than a little scared.
Greg B. fuck "M." Apr 15, 2004 604 0 16 Apr 15, 2004 #8 Dear Xfer, Is that better, my future chum? Sincerely, Greg B.
xfer I JERK OFF TO ARCTOPUS Nov 8, 2001 25,932 13 38 47 New York City Apr 15, 2004 #9 oh for fuck's sake kleo I HATE gag
Greg B. fuck "M." Apr 15, 2004 604 0 16 Apr 15, 2004 #10 Dear Kleo, You bastard. I hate you for making Xfer express hatred in such a positive thread! With no love left, Greg B.
Dear Kleo, You bastard. I hate you for making Xfer express hatred in such a positive thread! With no love left, Greg B.