Attn: Thraxdude


Hail Satan!
yeah so i couldn't find TGO2E yesterday!
the bestbuy on bay area blvd. in webster TX zip 77598
is supposed to have it according to the store locator. But when i went they didn't even have a seperater for anthrax cd's they had zero anywhere. if they had them they were not out. i looked on all the displays. and then the samgoody in almeda mall Houston TX did not get them in. The Stor availability for the best buys in my area say that the Almeda Best Buy does not have it neither does the Pasadena TX location or the Pearland TX location.
You have no idea how tempted I am to post one of Sanctuary's employee's e-mail address here so you can ask him.
This is fucking bullshit.

Let me know if any more of you cannot find Greater of Two Evils. And I'll contact the management.
muffytheVampirelayer said:
...and, you are not posting it why?
I continue to remain polite and professional, somehow. Though I post whatever the fuck I want here on the board.
ThraxMan said:
ThraxDude! I was unable to find GOTE at major and small retail chains! Ream Sactuary's ASS!!

I have contacted the management and forwarded some messages about not finding GO2E to the label.
Thanks for your info, ThraxMan.

And, again, anyone not able to find GO2E in your CD store?
I live in houston as well, and was able to find a copy at circuit city in sugar land for 12.99. So, circuit city seems to be a good place for them...

For the 2nd copy I bought, I went straight to the best buy right next door in sugar land, and took them a while to find it in the back, but they eventually did. want even priced yet. :-)

evil c.
Thank you guys for the info of the availability!

Keep the information coming! Please reply if you cannot find The Greater of Two Evils.
They had a number of copies at the Best Buy I hit here in Madison. My brother sent me his Christmas list and it had We've Come For You All on it. So I picked up that one and TGoTE since I figured he probably didn't know it even existed. I'm gonna be sending Anthrax through the mail, spreading the disease for the holidays!

Thanks dudes!
I think we should have an "OFFICIAL Anthrax Street Team" vs "The UNOFFICIAL Anthrax Street Team" war.
Official being we, the fans who promote Anthrax.
Unofficial- "Big Mouth" the street team Sancuary claims to have promoting Anthrax, yet they don't street team in LA nor Denver, and probably not in your area either.

Remember kids. YOU are a part of the OFFICIAL Anthrax Street Team.
YOU are the fans who joined by contacting

(It's not too late to join)