ATTN: Twisted Proph...

happy friggin camper

Gospel sodomy boy on blow
Jun 14, 2002
Melbourne, australia
Just a general question.

I wrote an email to cephalic carnage a while back, asking what they needed to happen for them to swing by australia on a tour.

I got a reply from lenny:

--"that would be killer to play australia,someday soon mate.if you know any promters,tell them to bring us down under."--

Seeing your the only promoter i know of, heheh. What would it actually take to get an international 'lesser known group' to tour oz, whether it be headlining or tailing along behind another group?

And can you please make that happen? ;) :)
cephalic carnage would own
but alas i dont think their support here is large enough for them to come down
i think they would loose way too much money