ATTN: Xfer, Azal, Minx


vvv Jake's ass vvv
Jul 6, 2002
Well the date is soon approaching where the universe will collapse under the weight of wit, intelligence and coolness of a Sunn o))) show with us in attendance. Since the tickets have been bought as willcall for me, alex and minx I think we should arrange a meeting of some sort beforehand to make sure nobody sits outside for nothing. Perhaps a dinner could be interesting. Let me know, I'll be emailing you minx and Xfer and Azal, if you want to be kept in the loop just email me at simon [---at---]
my brother in law is realllly sick so my fam isn't even coming this weekend. what nite is the show again? just let me know what time u want to meet up and i'm game.
p.s. alex i probably already asked you this but i've had hell week so bear with me, is aysha going? i hope so.
p.p.s. i haven't seen narnia yet wtf.
p.s. i might fall off the wagon at this show because i am very sad so that's like just a warning/whatever.
also alex i can't remember if i asked but what r u doing tomorrow nite? my friend is having a birthday party.
also do you have new years plans?
i test sent u an email from my sidekick just so you know.

alex: should we meet up in manhattan and head over or meet early on bedford in w'burg and find a place there? is bfs going? any suggestions from u then?
wow this is like a thread o' fun!

Sunday night? I thought the show was on the 19th! (Monday). I can still go. in fact on Monday I can't even think about leaving school before 5pm so Sunday is more conducive to dinner.

Toby, Mia, Aysha, and I ate at a damn good and not-too-expensive Polish restaurant right on Bedford Ave very near 7th street before the KD show a while ago (I got a "Polish platter" with kielbasa, three cheese pierogis, golabki, and fantastic dill-y saurkraut for I thnk $9.95). I dunno how vegan/macro you are atm, ats, but that's an option perhaps. Meeting up in Manhattan could also be cool but I don't know many restaurant options yet.

Aysha isn't going--she is pretty much working ALL the time now (7am to 3am shifts, over two jobs, twice this weekend--holy shit!--and she's also got a pretty bad URI. I dunno how she does it). I'm not free tomorrow night because it's literally the only night we are both free over the past week and the next five or six days or more so we're doing something--namely cooking a big dinner and then relaxing and not going anywhere.

I JUST got off the phone with some friends re: New Year's plans. options right now are (1) go skiing in Vermont with my old roommate from Boston (2) booze cruise in Boston harbor with old roommate (3) old roommate comes to NYC, we go to a friend's rented-out open bar (4) old roommate comes to NYC and we do something else (5) dyke party in Park Slope with a fellow teacher, possibly including old roommate (or not), and some other options. I'm pretty much unable to decide/commit and that's, of course, narrowing my options as time passes. but I'd like to incorporate meeting up with Jenna after she goes to the New Year's Yo La Tengo show with her boyfriend.

so, basically, no plans for sure. what are you up to?
i wasn't sure i was thinking i might want to throw a new years party like, of my own. but i dunno. i could if i wanted. i think it'd be fun b/c it'd be like, weird rich people party/white trash party..
you live near bed-stuy now? I forget.

I could try to lure my Boston roomie down and kind of party-hop and maybe hit a bar at some point, and maybe not commit to a $100 cover and staying at one bar all night. and could still meet up with Jenna at some point.

is it even possible to get in a bar without buying a big ticket? are any just regular ol' bars?
I rechecked Alex and it is Sunday according to anyhow the Polish place is fine with me as long as our girl here is able to eat. I checked and my cell should work while I am there so I will send you my digits via email so that we can arrange things at some point during the weekend.

And Aysha's work is insane dude, be nice to her because I can't imagine what that does over a long period of time. I'd want to kill a customer pretty quick...
is BFS going to the show?

yeah she has to do like 7-3 shifts at Old Navy and then 5pm-close shifts at Pizzeria Uno (waiting tables) which last until 1-3 am depending on when she gets cut! she is crazy.
wow you need to get a cheaper apartment so that girl doesnt have to work so much, that's fucked.
and yea i am on the borderline between bed stuy and crown heights. you can get into some bars without covers. it depends. i am not a bar person so i'm the wrong one to ask, i only go to the ones my friends/family own/work at.
p.s. dont shoot me if im wearing these
our lease goes until mid-july, so we're here for another seven months or so regardless.

one of my boston roommates wore silver moon boots around. before napolean dynamite, too.
Holy shit. Although I don't think a strike's going to happen, I do think there's a sizeable chance it will, and I totally didn't even think about the repercussions for the weekend. (Likely they'll let it ride through Friday and strike a deal late Sunday night before it cuts into more than one day of work, if it happens).

Let's not think about our options until after 12:01pm.

I won't be here and may not be able to check on a computer--I'm leaving my house in a couple of hours to go stay with a friend of Aysha's who lives closer to my work, so my morning walk tomorrow will be 30 minutes instead of 150 minutes.
i'll figure something out if there's a strike guys. i can like maybe figure a car to use or some crap. fuck a transit strike in the butt. or we can all skateboard there.