attn: xfer (no one else is to read this thread)

like 3 minutes ago i hiccuped and my coworker shouted "YOU'RE PREGNANT!" to try to scare them out of me. maybe they will be twins!

i haven't started the_preppy's, either, and i have to work 9-5 and 6-12:30 today, so it ain't going to be started for a while. i said on the mix thread END OF MAY! so let's not measure our success or failure against that of the eager beavers.
then i suppose that's 2 nuggets of info i failed to pick up on from the thread itself, which might give you an idea of how much of it i read.

maybe they will be twins!

well see, here's where it gets weird. i was just reading a review of a book that explores the possibility of "twin telepathy" (not only thinking of things at the same time, but also exhibiting the typical tomax/xamot pain/scar simulacra, and other stuff) - and attempting to explain it on a sub-atomic level.

so what you just described is a bit unsettling, if you think about chains of events functioning on a quantum level(s).