Audio Interface 8 + inputs, which one?


Jun 10, 2008
Hi guys,

I need a recording interface to record a whole drumset with maybe more than 8 mics. Which one would be the best to go with, which one is the best value for money, which one do you like best?
I was seeking by myself and endet up in questions because there are millions of interfaces and mixers on the market.
I don't want to spend thousand Eur. because I'm in the beginning to record bands.

Thank you guys for helping me!
if you want more then 8 mics then im not sure. However i have a presonus FP10 that has 8 pres and it only cost like 400 bucks. I haven't had a problem with it yet. Best you can buy for the money.
With the profire i am able to record more than 8 tracks simoultanous with an optional preamp, am i right? I' m pretty new to the drum recording. I want to mix every single track in cubase
Another vote for the Profire here. Get a Octopre LE and ADAT card on the cheap and you'll be set! (they're being discounted as the Octopre MKII is out)